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User code does not compile with pgi 20.4 for dom (generic procedure empty in destroy) #71

Open jedwards4b opened 3 years ago

jedwards4b commented 3 years ago

Attempting to compile with pgi 20.4 I get this error from a call in my code:

call destroy(sdoc)

where sdoc is type(Node)

any ideas?

andreww commented 3 years ago

It's hard to say anything helpful without seeing more of your code. It may be worth checking that sdoc is actually a pointer (as required by the specific destroyNode subroutine defined in m_dom_dom.F90).

Do the tests pass? I don't have easy access to a PGI compiler to check.

jedwards4b commented 3 years ago

Sdoc is a pointer. I was able to work around it by explicitly exposing the destroyNode subroutine and calling it directly.

PGI compilers (now nvidia) are available here