Closed soupman99 closed 9 months ago
Hey @soupman99 can I see your code?
@andreww2012 thanks for the reply!
Here's my file. It's a little messy, but here's what I'm working with. I also included regular zod schema I got working with superforms (newContactSchema).
import {z} from 'zod';
import { fail } from "@sveltejs/kit"
import {superValidate, setError} from 'sveltekit-superforms/server'
/** @type {import('./$types').PageServerLoad} */
import {genTimestampsSchema, toMongooseSchema, mongooseZodCustomType} from 'mongoose-zod';
import * as M from 'mongoose'
//this is a schema I have working with superforms
const newContactSchema = z.object({
email: z.string().email().min(4),
// _id: z.string().optional()
//this is the schema I'm experiementing with
const userZodSchema = z
// Sub schema
info: z.object({
// Define type options like this (NOT recommended - better to use `typeOptions` passed to `.mongoose()` - see FAQ)
// [instead `.mongooseTypeOptions()`, you may use `addMongooseTypeOptions` if you opt out of extending zod prototype]
// nickname: z.string().min(1).mongooseTypeOptions({unique: true}),
birthday: z.tuple([
// Unlike mongoose, arrays won't have an empty array `[]` as a default value!
friends: z.number().int().min(1).array().optional(),
// Making the field optional
status: z.enum(['😊', '😔', '🤔']).optional(),
// Use this function to use special (Buffer, ObjectId, ...) and custom (Long, ...) types
avatar: mongooseZodCustomType('Buffer'),
// Default values set with zod's .default() are respected
regDate: Date()),
// Schema merging supported natively by zod. We make use of this feature
// by providing a schema generator for creating type-safe timestamp fields
.merge(genTimestampsSchema('crAt', 'upAt'))
// Define schema options here:
// [instead `.mongoose()`, you may use `toZodMongooseSchema` if you opt out of extending zod prototype]
schemaOptions: {
collection: 'users',
// Full type safety in virtuals, as well as in statics, methods and query methods
virtuals: {
bday: {
get() {
const [y, m, d] =;
return new Date(y, m - 1, d);
set(d: Date) { = [d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, d.getDate()];
// Ability to override type schema options
typeOptions: {
upAt: {
index: false,
//test out schema
const UserSchema = toMongooseSchema(userZodSchema, {});
const User = M.model('User', UserSchema);
const user = new User().toJSON();
//working superforms validation code
export async function load(event) {
const form = await superValidate(event, newContactSchema)
return {
export const actions = {
//working version of
default: async (event) => {
const form = await superValidate(event, newContactSchema)
if (!form.valid) {
return fail(400, {
return { form }
@soupman99 sorry, but from your example it's not clear what you are trying to do that produces that error. Are you trying to pass the result of toMongooseSchema
call to superValidate
? If so, then it won't work because toMongooseSchema
returns a mongoose schema, but superValidate
expects a zod schema.
I'm closing this since there are no issues with mongoose-zod
here. You'll likely need to pass a schema to superforms
before calling .mongoose()
on it.
I'm working with superforms and mongoose. When I use the config in the readme I see the error:
Error: Only Zod schema objects can be used with superValidate. Define the schema with z.object({ ... }) and optionally refine/superRefine/transform at the end.
Any idea on how to get these 2 to play nicely together?