andrewwiik / Maize

Porting the iOS 11 Control Center to iOS 10
51 stars 16 forks source link

Modules aren't centered neither horizontally nor vertically in landscape #140

Open Iknotum opened 6 years ago

Iknotum commented 6 years ago

Music: img_1282 img_1283

AirPlay: img_1284 img_1285

Volume: img_1286 img_1287

Brightness: img_1288 img_1289

Connectivity: img_1290 img_1292

andrewwiik commented 6 years ago

Known bug, will fix

Iknotum commented 6 years ago

Not only the modules aren't centered, I can't escape the zoomed mode tapping on the right side (empty side on the screenshots).

I need to tap above the module to return.

Could you fix that?

zyan910 commented 6 years ago

I've had this exact same problem when I first got Maize