andrewwiik / Maize

Porting the iOS 11 Control Center to iOS 10
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Screen recording button is not working #88

Closed CrazzySwimmer closed 6 years ago

CrazzySwimmer commented 6 years ago

I can´t get the screen recording feature to work. I have resprung many times and tried to change the positionoing of the icon in the settings but nothing is working

andrewwiik commented 6 years ago

Please explain what "not working" means, also your device and iOS Version

CrazzySwimmer commented 6 years ago

Sorry for my late response,

Im on an iPhone 6 ios 10.2 So i cant seem to get the screen recording toggle to work it just wont appear in the cc

andrewwiik commented 6 years ago

May have been fixed in my latest build, you'll have to wait for the final release now as I am done releasing previews