Closed Quoll-io closed 7 years ago
iOS 10.1.1, iPhone 7
iOS 10.2, iPhone 5s
iOS 10.2, iPhone 5s
Please only list the devices you bothered to test on
I did
okay, thank you for your submission
Hmm, works for me i6s 10.2
@LaughingQuoll can you try disabling all other tweaks except iOS Blocks and see if the issue is resolved, it might be tweak conflict as this function seems to work for other users.
Happens to me as well. iPhone 6s iOS 10.2
@LaughingQuoll @Windexi Could I get Tweak lists from the both of you please
@LaughingQuoll @Windexi do either of you have iWidgets installed?
I do but at the time it was disabled.
@LaughingQuoll Please fully uninstall it and tell me if the issue persists
Okay please post a tweak list @LaughingQuoll
Same thing for me, bottom left icon doesn't open the app :/ I'm on an iPhone 6s Plus in 10.2. For the info I've just tried to disable HideMeX but nothing changed.
By the lack of time, I can't do more as if now but if you need something don't hesitate, I'll do my best to give it to you ;)
@SynnyGR Full Tweak List Please
@andrewwiik I'll send you a tweaklist, I do not have iWidgets. I'll mess around with Cydia Substrate addons and see what happens. I have a hunch it's BetterFiveColumnHomescreen
Here is the tweak list. Sorry, it come from Flame, tell me if you want a text file instead :
0xygen iOS10: 1.1 3G Unrestrictor 5 (iOS 10/9/8/7): 5.9.10 7-zip (POSIX): 4.57-3p Activator: 1.9.12 Anemone: 2.1.1-27 Apple File Conduit "2": 1.2 AppList: 1.5.13 APT 0.6 Transitional: 1:0-23 APT 0.7 (apt-key): APT 0.7 Strict (lib): APT 0.7 Strict: BackupAZ 2 (iOS 7 - 10): BackupAZ Command-Line Edition: 1.2 Base Structure: 1-4 BatteryLife: 1.7.0 Berkeley DB: 4.6.21-5 BigBoss Icon Set: 1.0 Bourne-Again SHell: 4.0.44-16 Brightify: 0.3 BytaFont 3: 3.1.5 BytaFont Tweak Mode: 1.1.4 bzip2: 1.0.5-8 Cephei: 1.10 Cistem Aperio: 1.1.1 Codling: 1.0.3 Confero 2: 1.3 Core Utilities (/bin): 8.12-9 Core Utilities: 8.12-13 CrashReporter: 1.15.0-1 Curago: 0.2.2-0 Cydia Installer: 1.1.30 Cydia Substrate: 0.9.6301 Cydia Translations: 1.1.12 Darwin CC Tools: 877.5 Darwin Tools: 1-5 Debian Packager: 1.18.10-12 Debian Utilities: 3.3.3ubuntu1-1p Diff Utilities: 2.8.1-6 diskdev-cmds: 421.7-4 Eclipse 4 (iOS 10): 4.0.4 ExactTime: 1.0.1 file-cmds: 220.7-3 Filza File Manager: 3.3.2 Find Utilities: 4.2.33-7 Flame: 1.3 Flipswitch: 1.0.15 GNU Privacy Guard: 1.4.8-4 grep: 2.5.4-3 gzip: 1.6-7 HapticKeyboard: 1.0.0 Harbor (iOS 10): 1.1.5-1 Harp: 2.0.2 HideMeX (iOS 10): 1.0.10 iAdministrator: 1.0.5 iCleaner Pro: 7.6.1 IconSupport: iFile: 2.2.0-1 IOKit Tools: 76-4p iOS Firmware: 10.2 iPhone Firmware (/sbin): 0-1 JODebox: 3.0.4 Kaze: 1.0.1 Komika Text Font: 1.0 LD64: 253.3 libbulletin: 0.1-131 libcolorpicker: 1.6-1 libcrashreport: 1.1.0-1 libobjcipc: 1.0.2-1 libpackageinfo: libstatus9: 1: libsymbolicate: 1.9.0-1 Link Identity Editor: 1:1.2.1 LZMA Utils: 4.32.7-5 Minimal Hosts Blocker: 7.1 Mitsuha: 0.9.1-1 MTerminal: 1.4-5 Network Commands: 307.0.1-7 New Curses: 5.7-15 NoClose: 0.0.1 NotifyMusic: 1.3 NudeKeys: 3.1 OpenSSL: 0.9.8zg-13 PalBreak: 1.1 Palert: 1.1.0-2 PAM (Apple): 32.1-4 PAM Modules: 36.1-5 Patcyh: 1.2.0 pincrush: 0.9.2-1 PowerDown Customizer: 1.2 PreferenceLoader: 2.2.3-3 Profile Directory: 0-2 readline: 6.0-8 RocketBootstrap: 1.0.5 Safari Downloader+: 4.2.6 Safari Tools: 1.4 sed: 4.1.5-8 shell-cmds: 118-7 ShotBanner 10: 0.0.4 SiriSpotlight: 1.3-1 Stashing for iOS 9.2 - 10.2: 1.5.0 Substrate Safe Mode: 0.9.6001 SwipeForMore: 1.1.7 system-cmds: 433.8-14 Tactful: 1.2-1 Tape Archive: 1.29-10 TapticPasscodeButtons: 1.0.1 TechSupport Framework: Telt X: 1.0 Touchr: 1.0.3 TranslucentCydia: 0.9.0-1 TranslucentMessages: 1.0.2 UIKit Tools: 1.1.12 unrar: 3.6.8-2p unzip: 5.52-5p UUID Generator: 1.6.0-2p Yosemite Loading Wheel: 1.0 Zeal: 1.0.3 zip: 2.32-5p
@SynnyGR the only tweak we seem to have in common is Touchr, I'll disable and see if it works.
@SynnyGR @andywiik no luck, after disabling Touchr the bug still remains.
Same :/
Here's my tweaklist:
7-zip (POSIX) - 4.57-3p Activator - 1.9.13~beta1 adv-cmds - 119-6 AirDrop Disabler - 0.0.1 AndredK MASQ - 1.2 App Admin - 1.0r-71 App Center - 1.0.5-1 AppInfo - 1.6.2 Apple File Conduit "2" - 1.2 AppList - 1.5.13 AppSync Unified - 6.0~b1 APT 0.6 Transitional - 1:0-23 APT 0.7 (apt-key) - APT 0.7 Strict - APT 0.7 Strict (lib) - Arp Scan - 1.8.1-1 Aura - 0.1-32+debug Base Structure - 1-4 batterydata - 0.1.0 BatteryLife - 1.7.0 Berkeley DB - 4.6.21-5 BETA: WaveFlow2 for iOS10 - 0.0.1-869+debug BetterTextSelection - 1.1.1-3+debug BigBoss Icon Set - 1.0 BouncyNC10 - 0.0.1-1 Bourne-Again SHell - 4.0.44-16 Bulb - 2-5 BYA Repo Icons - 2.1.9 BytaFont 3 - 3.2 BytaFont Tweak Mode - 1.1.7 bzip2 - 1.0.5-8 CA Certs - 0.0.1-1 cameraShy - 2.0.2 camshot - 1.0 Cephei - 1.10 ClassicBanners - 1.0.7 ClearBadges3DTouch10 - 1.0.1 CocoaTop - 2.0.0-309 ColorBadges - 1.1.3 ColorBanners - 1.0.6-1 ColorComments - 2.0 ColorFlow 3 (iOS 10) - 1.0.4 Colorus - 0.6-1 Core Utilities - 8.12-13 Core Utilities (/bin) - 8.12-9 Countdown - 1.0.2 Curago - 0.2.2-0 Cydia Failsafe - 2.1 Cydia Installer - 1.1.30 Cydia Substrate - 0.9.6301 Cydia Translations - 1.1.12 CySpring - 0.0.2 Darwin CC Tools - 877.5 Darwin Tools - 1-5 Date In Statusbar - 0.9.1-2 Debian Packager - 1.18.10-12 Debian Utilities - 3.3.3ubuntu1-1p Defluxit - 0.0.7 DetailedBatteryUsage - 1.1.1 Diff Utilities - 2.8.1-6 diskdev-cmds - 421.7-4 DismissAnywhere - 1.4 DismissProgress - 1.0-2 DividersAway - 1.0 Divorce - 1.0.2-1+debug Don't Scroll to Top - 1.0 Don't Stop The Party! - 0.0.2 Dsniff Suite - 2.4b2-1 Elegance Lockglyph Theme - 1.0 Emoji iOS 9.3 Backup (D) - 1.0 EmojiAttributes - 1.2.6 Erica Utilities - 1:0.4.2 Filza File Manager - 3.3.2 Find Utilities - 4.2.33-7 Flash - 1.0.3 Flex 3 - 3~EarlyAccess3 Flipswitch - 1.0.16~beta1 Gawk - 3.1.6-2p gettext - 0.17-7 GNU Privacy Guard - 1.4.8-4 Goodges - 1.1.5 grep - 2.5.4-3 gzip - 1.6-7 Horseshoe - 1.0.14 HotDog - 3.3.3-1085+debug HSMapFix - 0.0.1-1+debug HYI Repo Icons - 8.0.4 iCleaner Pro - 7.6.0 IconSupport - Infinidock - 2.1.2-1 insanelyi Setup - 1.5-22 IOKit Tools - 76-4p iOS Firmware - 10.2 iOS Toolchain - 6.1-1 iPhone Firmware (/sbin) - 0-1 JODebox - 3.0.4 LD64 - 253.3 libbulletin - 0.1-134 libcolorpicker - 1.6-1 libGitHubIssues - 0.0.1 libmoorecon - libpackageinfo - libpcap - 1.0.0-5 Link Identity Editor - 1:1.2.1 LiveIconDisabler - 1.0-1 LiveWallpaper - 4.0 LLVM+Clang - 3.7.1 LockGlyphX (iOS 10) - 1.0.0-1 Locus - 1.0-3 LowPowerMode - 1.0-3 LowPowerNoLock - 2.7 LZMA Utils - 4.32.7-5 MailClientDefault10 - 1.1.1 Make - 3.81-2p MaskMe10 - 1.0 Masq - 1.0-1 Material - 0.2-1-2+debug mDNSFlush - 1.3.1 MinimalRedditSnoo - 1.1.3 Moveable9 - 1.0.0~beta29-12 MTerminal - 1.4-5 Multiplexer Core - 0.1-110+debug MusicMoreColumns - 1.0.3 netKillUIbeta - 0.2.1-1 Network Commands - 307.0.1-7 NeverLowerMusic - 1.1 New Curses - 5.7-15 Noctis (iOS 10) - NoHandwrittenMessage - 1.0 NoInfoYT - 0.0.1+debug NoMessageCrash - 2.0.2 NoPaperLax - 1.1 NoSlowAnimations - 5.2.1 NoSub (PalBreak w/ options) - 1.3 OpenNotifier Flat Icon Pack - 5.0.3 OpenNotifier10 - tateu - 2.5.0~beta5-2 OpenSSL - 0.9.8zg-13 OTA Killer - 1.0 Palert - 1.1.0-2 PAM (Apple) - 32.1-4 PAM Modules - 36.1-5 Patcyh - 1.2.0 Perl - 5.22.0 Perpetual10 Lite - 1.0.0 Phantom (Lite) for Snapchat - 5.3.3-9 PickPocket 2 (iOS 10) - 1.3-1 pincrush - 0.9.2-1 PreferenceLoader - 2.2.4~alpha1 Profile Directory - 0-2 Re:Scale - 1.0 readline - 6.0-8 RedditSafariVC - 1.0.1 ReturnDismiss Repackaged - 1.0 Rocket for Instagram - 1.4.9 RocketBootstrap - 1.0.5 SaveCloud - 1.0.9 ScramblePass - 0.0.2-1 ScreenshotBanners - 1.0.0 sed - 4.1.5-8 shell-cmds - 118-7 SleekSnoo - 0.0.6 Snapper 2 - 1.2.6 Sonus - 3.0.2-3 Stashing for iOS 9.2 - 10.2 - 1.5.0 Substrate Safe Mode - 0.9.6001 Sudo - 1.6.9p12-4p Swipe Home - 2.3 SwipeToClearNotification10 - 1.1.1 SwitchService - 4.0.1 System Hosts Blocker - 1.4.2-1 system-cmds - 433.8-14 Tage - 1.2.2-1 Tape Archive - 1.29-10 TechSupport Framework - Touchr - 1.0.3 TouchUnlock - 1.0 TSS Saver - 1.0.0 TuneShell Crash Killer Script - 1.0 uasharedtools - 2.1r-66 UDID Calculator - 1.0 UIKit Tools - 1.1.12 unBold - 1.0.1-2 UnlimTones - 4.8.3 unrar - 3.6.8-2p Unsize - 0.0.2 unzip - 5.52-5p UrbanMod - 1.0 UUID Generator - 1.6.0-2p VoiceChanger - 1.1-28 wget - 1.16-4 YaluTime - 0.1.0 YouTube ++ - 1.4r-37 zip - 2.32-5p
@Windexi I thought infinidock doesn't support iOS 10?
@andrewwiik it does with HSMapFix from CPDigitalDarkroom's repo
hmmm, I know this is asking a lot but can either of you use iCleanr or something of the sorts to only enable iOS blocks and see if it now works for you, I need to know whether for sure it is a tweak conflict or not @Windexi @LaughingQuoll @SynnyGR
@andrewwiik I've just done it using iCleaner Pro and the issue persist, I think the bug reside in the iosBlocks code !
Fixed by commit e38db02d69022282426fabf94e554ea6fdfde273 - Closing for now
Please list your device and iOS Version