Closed andrey-popov closed 8 years ago
In several places residual corrections are applied when running over simulation. This happens in shiftedPatJetEnUp/Down
(as configured here) and patPFMetT1T2Corr
. Here are example configurations:
>>> process.shiftedPatJetEnUp
addResidualJES = cms.bool(True),
jetCorrInputFileName = cms.FileInPath('Analysis/PECTuples/data/Summer15_25nsV6_MC_UncertaintySources_AK4PFchs.txt'),
jetCorrLabelUpToL3 = cms.InputTag("ak4PFCHSL1FastL2L3Corrector"),
jetCorrLabelUpToL3Res = cms.InputTag("ak4PFCHSL1FastL2L3ResidualCorrector"),
jetCorrPayloadName = cms.string('AK4PFchs'),
jetCorrUncertaintyTag = cms.string('SubTotalMC'),
shiftBy = cms.double(1.0),
src = cms.InputTag("slimmedJets")
>>> process.patPFMetT1T2Corr
isMC = cms.bool(False),
jetCorrLabel = cms.InputTag("L3Absolute"),
jetCorrLabelRes = cms.InputTag("L2L3Residual"),
offsetCorrLabel = cms.InputTag("L1FastJet"),
skipEM = cms.bool(True),
skipEMfractionThreshold = cms.double(0.9),
skipMuonSelection = cms.string('isGlobalMuon | isStandAloneMuon'),
skipMuons = cms.bool(True),
src = cms.InputTag("slimmedJets"),
type1JetPtThreshold = cms.double(15.0),
type2ExtraCorrFactor = cms.double(1.0),
type2ResidualCorrEtaMax = cms.double(9.9),
type2ResidualCorrLabel = cms.InputTag(""),
type2ResidualCorrOffset = cms.double(0.0)
According to event summary, some CPU time is spent in modules patPFMetT2Corr
and patPFMetTxyCorr
. Does this mean that type-2 and phi-modulation corrections are applied?
Need to investigate the jet cleaning applied by the tool. Not clear if I need to apply it and, if yes, how to define “good” leptons and taus when processing MiniAOD.
By default, corrections for phi modulation are evaluated, see last lines in the configuration:
>>> process.slimmedMETs
caloMET = cms.InputTag("patCaloMet"),
rawVariation = cms.InputTag("patPFMet"),
runningOnMiniAOD = cms.bool(True),
src = cms.InputTag("patPFMetT1"),
t01Variation = cms.InputTag("slimmedMETs","","@skipCurrentProcess"),
t1Uncertainties = cms.InputTag("patPFMetT1%s"),
tXYUncForRaw = cms.InputTag("patPFMetTxy"),
tXYUncForT1 = cms.InputTag("patPFMetT1Txy")
However, they are stored as an independent correction in pat::MET
(in this line). Thus, they do not modify results returned by pat::MET::shiftedPt(var, pat::MET::Type1)
and others.
The MET tool calculates uncertainties even when running over data (with isData = True
). Tried to avoid executing corresponding producers by deleting input tag process.slimmedMETs.t1Uncertainties
. But then cmsRun
fails with a segfault when I try to read MET with pat::MET::shiftedPt(pat::MET::NoShift, pat::MET::Type1)
. According to the trace, the segfault stems from pat::MET::findMETTotalShift
(source code), but I don't see what exactly goes wrong.
For the time being, just calculate the uncertainties, although they are never read.
The MET saga continues in 76X… Some issues reported here. Waiting until the end of week for the corrected recipe to arrive.
Recalculation of MET (which is required as a part of issue #64) is packed with problems. Some of them are or will be reported in this thread. Will also use this issue to document the status and progress.