I try to use styles in print aplication, for example: generator.text("test", styles : PosStyles(aling:PosAlign.center )), but when printed my facture, it is not show it styles, only print letters, so, I searched posible solution but don't found anything that solve my problem, I sorry for my English, I am colombian.
use it as the library but, it doesn't work for me,
I try to use styles in print aplication, for example: generator.text("test", styles : PosStyles(aling:PosAlign.center )), but when printed my facture, it is not show it styles, only print letters, so, I searched posible solution but don't found anything that solve my problem, I sorry for my English, I am colombian.
use it as the library but, it doesn't work for me,
`Future _startPrint(PrinterBluetooth printer) async {
Future<List> testTicket() async {
List bytes = [];
// Using default profile
final profile = await CapabilityProfile.load();
final generator = Generator(PaperSize.mm80, await CapabilityProfile.load());
bytes += generator.text('Text size 200%', styles: PosStyles( height: PosTextSize.size2, width: PosTextSize.size2, )); bytes += generator.row([ PosColumn( text: 'col3', width: 3, styles: PosStyles(align: PosAlign.center, underline: true), ), PosColumn( text: 'col6', width: 6, styles: PosStyles(align: PosAlign.center, underline: true), ), PosColumn( text: 'col3', width: 3, styles: PosStyles(align: PosAlign.center, underline: true), ), ]); bytes += generator.text(" Hola mi nombre es juan ernesto perez \r\n", styles: PosStyles( align: PosAlign.center ));
bytes += generator.text(" Hola mi nombre es juan ernesto perez \r\n", styles: PosStyles(
)); bytes += generator.text(" Hola mi nombre es juan ernesto perez \r\n"); bytes += generator.text(" Hola mi nombre es juan ernesto perez \r\n");
bytes += generator.feed(2); bytes += generator.cut(); return bytes; }`