andreycizov / idea-partialnav

Allow PageUp and PageDown to only scroll a partial part of the screen
Apache License 2.0
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Keymap configurations for Partial Navigation do not show on the Plugin configuration screen #2

Open javadba opened 4 years ago

javadba commented 4 years ago

I have used this plugin in the past - so am familiar with the configuration in particular removing keymap for PageUp and PageDown and enabling the plugin.

It is not working for me on pycharm 2019.1 on MacOs/Mojave. After removing the PageUp/PageDown from the Keymap there is no action when doing pageup /pagedown (I have external keyboard). So apparently the Partial Navigation did not get activated when the default actions were removed.

btw just to try it out I did change to dfifferent values of Page Up/Down multipliers including 0.25: no effect. Any thoughts?

javadba commented 4 years ago

Oh! I actually need to enable the keymaps for Partial Pageup! This does not show up in the Partial PageUp plugin configuration screen . I only ran into it by doing Keymap search for PageUp

Please look into why the keymap setting is not showing on the plugin config page.

javadba commented 4 years ago

Does not show up in Plugin config


Shows__ up only by searching in Keymap:


andreycizov commented 4 years ago

Keymap setting never was on the plugin configuration screen. It's one of the reasons why the description of the plugin specifically states that you're supposed to disable the default PageUp/PageDown actions.

The way it works right now is by defining the default shortcuts for plugin-defined actions in plugin.xml. When the plugin is installed, IDEA is supposed to copy these settings to it's current config. So also it's up to the user to disable the default ones.

I am happy to accept a pull request with a reasonable behaviour on install and/or having a separate button in the configuration page responsible for it.

By the way, the plugin desc specifically mentions this behaviour:

Partial PageUp and PageDown navigation plugin.

Please note that while this plugin by default sets up the default (Page Up/Page Down) shortcuts to enable it's actions, it can't override the default actions by itself.

For it to work, you'd need to go to keymap and disable the usual "Page Up" and "Page Down" shortcuts. Simply remove them and you're good to go.

You can configure the scroll length in "Partial Navigation" configuration page.

So does

PS: this is not a blame game - I understand users may miss this info

javadba commented 4 years ago

Thanks Andrey, Maybe I did not explain clearly enough. I did read, re-read, (and re-re-read) those notes . But it is not enough . You may not realize that we still have to go and - after unsetting the default PageUp PageDown also go and specifically set those values for Partial Navigation. Problem is .. where are they ?

But no I don't have an opportunity to look further and do a pull request at this time or even this year . I do think my note here at least makes it more clear. Maybe i could add the note to the - would you accept that? I could do it couple weeks down the line.

andreycizov commented 4 years ago

@javadba Nah - I get it. I often do the same, so no worries.

Readme says this:

To reconfigure keyboard shortcuts to use actions from this plugin:

    You can read >>>here<<< how to reconfigure they keymap.

Where >>>here<<< links to the IDEA documentation with the Keymap settings.

I understand if it's not clear enough for not visible enough to immediately understand what exactly needs to be done.

Maybe a few screenshots would be more useful?

So whatever the wording/form you may come up with instead, or the code that actually manages that setting for you is fine with me.