andrez47 / thumbnail-zoom

Firefox addon that zooms thumbnail pictures from Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Amazon, Picasa, Flickr, LinkedIn and Hi5!
9 stars 12 forks source link

Support same sites as Google Chrome's Hover Zoom extension #14

Open y opened 13 years ago

y commented 13 years ago

Hover Zoom supports a lot more sites. It's open source so hopefully the plugins can be converted to to thumbnail zoom:

dadler commented 13 years ago

I've made some improvements to thumbnail zoom which lets it supports more sites like Hover Zoom does (including Reddit and most sites which embed thumbnails in hyperlinks to images). I'm happy to give the code to Andrez47 to merge into the official thumbnail-zoom, or else may release as my own fork.

Paun commented 12 years ago

Improvements? Better functionality?? Yes, PLEASE! T. Zoom has been suffering from quite a few bugs of late with no sign of work being done. I, the hordes of the intarwebs, would be extremely glad to you, Mr. Dadler, to have your improvements made available as a fork, new extension (maybe so it could be updated), or however it is so things can be moved along. It would be a great boon to not have Chrome open while surfing the web. My tab ecosystem would be so much the happier.

dadler commented 12 years ago

Hello, I've forked the thumbnail-zoom code repository and published my enhancements there ( I invite Andres to merge my changes into the official version and publish a new version of the add-on.

My improvements let it support more sites, including Reddit. It adds a category called "Other". When that is enabled, it'll find images by traversing up the html tree from the thumbnail until it finds an tag linking to an image, and display that image. This allows it to work on many sites without having to explicitly be coded for those sites.

I also fixed a problem with some flickr galleries.


Paun commented 12 years ago

Hats off to you! It really works a treat. I've installed and now my browsing experience is 10x fold for the better. Reddit now won't consume so much time or memory with all the extra tabs being opened. Huzzah!

dadler commented 12 years ago

I've just updated my forked version to show large thumbnails for youtube links.

Paun commented 12 years ago

Just reporting in to say that Thumbnail Zoom - (DA) ver is working smoothly as ever with Firefox 7 after you install the Compatibility Reporter and choose to use out of date plugins. Report sent back to Mozilla that the Dadler version is working as intended. Really, I can't thank you enough for your forked version, Dadler. It is leagues better in every area than the original version. Are there plans to continue updating?
No matter the response, I appreciate the effort you put in for it has made my life quite a bit easier as, I'm sure, it has for many others. Thanks!

dadler commented 12 years ago

Thumbnail Zoom Plus is available from the Firefox add-ons site: