andrii-itdev / InsightFlow

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(Reaserch) Introduction of the logging mechanism #6

Open andrii-itdev opened 11 months ago

andrii-itdev commented 11 months ago

Google Cloud - Structured logging Google Cloud - Write log entries Serilog - Configuration

Serilog - NuGet extension for hosting Serilog - NuGet aspnetcore Serilog - NuGet Configuration

Sample Project

Who are the primary users of logs?


System Administrators/DevOps Engineers:

Security Teams:

Business Analysts:

Customer Support

andrii-itdev commented 1 month ago

Logging serves several critical purposes:

Debugging and Troubleshooting: Logs provide a detailed record of what the software is doing at any given time. When a bug or an error occurs, logs can help developers trace the sequence of events leading up to the issue, making it easier to identify and fix the problem.

Security: Logs can be crucial for security purposes, such as detecting unauthorized access attempts, monitoring for suspicious activity, and investigating security breaches. Security logs can provide evidence and help in understanding the extent of an incident.

Analysis and Optimization: By analyzing logs, developers and analysts can gain insights into how users interact with the software, identify areas for improvement, and optimize performance. Logs can reveal patterns and trends that inform future development and enhancements.

andrii-itdev commented 1 month ago

Tools and Libraries

In C# .NET, there are several tools and libraries commonly used for logging:


Description: A built-in logging framework provided by Microsoft as part of the .NET Core and .NET 5+ ecosystem.

        var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => 
        var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Program>();

        logger.LogInformation("This is an information message.");


Description: A popular third-party logging library known for its flexibility and ease of use. Features:

using NLog;

public class Program
    private static readonly Logger Logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Logger.Info("This is an information message.");
    <target name="logfile" xsi:type="File" fileName="file.txt" />
    <logger name="*" minlevel="Info" writeTo="logfile" />


Description: A highly configurable logging library designed with a focus on structured logging. Features:

using Serilog;

public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

        Log.Information("This is an information message.");


Description: A port of the popular Apache log4j framework for .NET, offering extensive logging capabilities. Features:

using log4net;

public class Program
    private static readonly ILog Logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Program));

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Logger.Info("This is an information message.");
andrii-itdev commented 1 month ago

What Events should be logged?

Errors and Exceptions

System Events

User Activities


Security Events

Audit Trails

System Errors and Warnings

External Integrations

What Information should be logged?

Performance Metrics

Debugging Information

Configuration Information

andrii-itdev commented 1 month ago

Main Purposes of Sentry

andrii-itdev commented 1 month ago

Logging libraries in the .NET ecosystem

In the .NET space, there are 3 big players:


Supports configuration via XML, JSON, and fluent API. Highly flexible with a range of options for configuring targets, rules, and layouts.

File, Console, Database, EventLog, Email, Network, and more.

Limited support for structured logging compared to Serilog.

High performance with asynchronous logging capabilities.


Primarily configured via XML. Supports programmatic configuration as well. Offers a wide range of appenders and layout options, but configuration can be cumbersome.

File, Console, Database, EventLog, Email, Network, and more.

Basic support for structured logging, primarily through message templates.

Good performance, but can be slower than NLog and Serilog due to its older architecture.


Supports configuration via JSON, XML, and code-based configuration (fluent API). Highly flexible with a focus on structured logging. Easy integration with various sinks and enrichers.

File, Console, Elasticsearch, Seq, Datadog, Application Insights, and many more.

Excellent performance, particularly in high-throughput scenarios.


NLog: Best for those looking for a flexible and high-performance logging library with a straightforward configuration. log4net: A mature option with extensive configuration options and a large user base, though it may require more effort to set up. Serilog: Ideal for modern applications that require structured logging and seamless integration with a variety of sinks. Offers excellent performance and ease of use.

andrii-itdev commented 1 month ago

Pros & Cons

Structure Logging Advantages

Structure Logging Disadvantages

andrii-itdev commented 1 month ago

What are the features of Structured Logging?

Key-Value Pairs

Structured logging captures log data as key-value pairs, allowing logs to be more easily parsed, queried, and analyzed

Rich Data Context

With structured logging, you can include rich context in your log entries. Instead of just logging a message string, you can log additional structured data, such as user IDs, transaction IDs, and other relevant information.

Improved Queryability (Filtering and Search)

Because structured logs are stored in a structured format (e.g., JSON), they can be easily queried and analyzed using log management and analysis tools. This enables more effective troubleshooting and monitoring. You can filter logs based on specific fields and values, making it easier to pinpoint issues or analyze specific events.

Integration with Monitoring Tools

Structured logs integrate well with modern monitoring and observability tools, such as ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack, Splunk, and Azure Monitor. These tools can ingest, index, and visualize structured log data efficiently.

Facilitates Automation and Alerting

Structured logging enables more effective automation and alerting. You can set up alerts based on specific log patterns or values, helping you proactively identify and respond to issues.

Compatibility with Machine Learning and Analytics

andrii-itdev commented 1 month ago

Possible Issue "(Research) Integration of ELK, Splunk, or Azure Monitor"