andriinuts / medusa-plugin-variant-images

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support @medusajs/ui 2.0 ? #8

Open brucexiu opened 8 months ago

brucexiu commented 8 months ago

@medusajs/ui 2.0 has been out. Will support it?

andriinuts commented 8 months ago

@medusajs/ui 2.0 has been out. Will support it?

yes, I'll migrate to it soon

Kainkainkain commented 7 months ago

Can I help you migrate it? I'm learning how medusa extending works. Do you know what needs updating?

Kainkainkain commented 7 months ago

So far the only issue I am seeing is Button has breaking changes for format={icon} in medusajs/ui 2.0 - its IconButton now. src/admin/widgets/VariantsImagesWidget.tsx

import { Button, Container, DropdownMenu, Heading } from '@medusajs/ui';
 <Button variant="secondary" format={'icon'}>
                    <EllipsisHorizontal />
andriinuts commented 7 months ago

Can I help you migrate it? I'm learning how Medusa extending works. Do you know what needs updating?

sure you can create MR with updated components. You just have to update @medusajs/ui and @medusajs/icons to the latest version.