andrivet / ADVobfuscator

Obfuscation library based on C++11/14 and metaprogramming
1.38k stars 237 forks source link

Version 2, support for AES #35

Open andrivet opened 1 year ago

andrivet commented 1 year ago

I am working on a new version of ADVobfuscator. A complete rewrite based on C++ 20. It will support obfuscation of string like the existing version but will permit to use a combination of different algorithms and keys so it will be more resistant. It will also avoid using undefined behaviour and will thus be more reliable (data always obfuscated at compile time).

It will also introduce AES encryption (still at compile time, decryption at runtime) for big chucks of data (for ex. certificates with private keys, ...)

Currently, the obfuscation part is ready but not the AES one which has some bugs I need to solve. Then I need to write the documentation, package the code, etc.

Don't ask when it will be released. I don't know. When I consider it to be ready.

MMitsuha commented 1 year ago

It has been 3 years since last commit, if you encountered any error, please create a new dev branch and let us help you.

andrivet commented 1 year ago

I do not encounter any error and I will not create a dev branch. This is simply not a priority. It will be publish when it will be ready.

MMitsuha commented 1 year ago

Then may I ask you what are you waiting?

andrivet commented 1 year ago

To have some time for this project.

MMitsuha commented 1 year ago

Oh I'm looking forward to receiving any commits. Thanks for your great work.

andrivet commented 1 year ago

Why is this important for you? For what do you need this obfuscator?

MMitsuha commented 1 year ago

I'm a Chinese and my project have to deal with many crackers, by obfuscating I can protect it and prevent it being recognized as a malware (most Chinese anti virus recognize vmp or other shells as a malware)

andrivet commented 1 year ago

Interesting. Thank you for sharing.

MMitsuha commented 1 year ago

Yes, there are many crackers in China, lol.

Gmailaccount43y5fe commented 7 months ago

I am working on a new version of ADVobfuscator. A complete rewrite based on C++ 20. It will support obfuscation of string like the existing version but will permit to use a combination of different algorithms and keys so it will be more resistant. It will also avoid using undefined behaviour and will thus be more reliable (data always obfuscated at compile time).

It will also introduce AES encryption (still at compile time, decryption at runtime) for big chucks of data (for ex. certificates with private keys, ...)

Currently, the obfuscation part is ready but not the AES one which has some bugs I need to solve. Then I need to write the documentation, package the code, etc.

Don't ask when it will be released. I don't know. When I consider it to be ready.

Gmailaccount43y5fe commented 7 months ago


Gmailaccount43y5fe commented 7 months ago


Amadeus- commented 6 months ago

Sadly, many of us can't progress to C++20 (or even close) due to APIs and other things we have to work with. Many libraries aren't updated to even C++11 let alone C++20, and probably won't ever be.

andrivet commented 6 months ago

Yes, this is true (i am in such a case). So the library will not be usable. There is nothing I can do. I will not try to backport to earlier versions of the standard, it does not make sense.