androbi-com / LoRa-E5-Mini-EndNode

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UART: INIT FAILED error (also REINIT) #3

Closed hpux735 closed 2 years ago

hpux735 commented 2 years ago

Hi there!

First, thanks so much for doing this repo the Seeed studio ones seem to just not work :(

I've gotten yours building and loading on my board, but there's an issue I'm seeing in what appears to be initPMS. Basically, once the initial boot print-out of EUIs and keys are printed, it's just UART: REINIT FAILED after a first INIT FAILED. Also, it seems like AT commands aren't working.

Have you seen this before? Do you have any ideas?


androbi-com commented 2 years ago

Hi @hpux735, this is the driver for the particle sensor that I had connected to the board. (PMS = Particle Measuring System). I have on my TODO list to make this code optional with a #define, but the last commit has the code activated, I am sorry. You might try going back 2 commits: using the one just before "add air quality usart", this one only has the AHT20 temperature sensor code. Let me know if this gets you going!

hpux735 commented 2 years ago

LOL! That makes sense. I'll try that out and let you know :)

androbi-com commented 2 years ago

I have commited a version with the AHT20 and PMS sensor readings disabled, but I could not yet test if it works. The idea is to transmit just some random values if you don't have sensors attached. I also have updated the README to explain this a bit more.

hpux735 commented 2 years ago

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Thank you so much. This is great!