Closed Dolly5 closed 5 years ago
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define LEN sizeof(struct Student) struct Student { char name[20]; int ID; int age; char sex; int dorm; int num; struct Student *next; }; //void addNode(); struct Student *creat(); void FindID(); struct Student *insert(struct Student *head, struct Student *stud); struct Student *del(struct Student *head, long long ID); void print(struct Student *head); void Menu(); int main() { struct Student *head = NULL, stu; long del_ID; int menu; while (1) { int x = 0; Menu(); printf("请输入要进行的操作:"); scanf_s("%d", &menu); switch (menu) { case 0: exit(0); break; case 1: system("cls"); //struct Student *head; printf("请输入学生信息,等输入数据为0时,输入结束:\n"); //错误:跳不出来,无法返回Menu :( head = creat(); print(head); system("cls"); Menu(); break; case 2: system("cls"); FindID(); system("cls"); Menu(); break; case 3: system("cls"); printf("input the insert number:"); scanf_s("%ld", &stu.ID); head = insert(head, &stu); print(head); system("cls"); Menu(); break; case 4: system("cls"); printf("input the delete number:"); scanf_s("%ld", &del_ID); head = del(head, del_ID); print(head); system("cls"); Menu(); break; case 5: system("cls"); print(head); system("cls"); Menu(); default: printf("输入有误!请重新输入!\n"); } } return 0; } int n; struct Student *creat(){ struct Student * head; struct Student *p1, *p2; n = 0; p1 = p2 = (struct Student *)malloc(LEN); scanf_s("%s%d%d%s%d%d", p1->name,20, &p1->ID, &p1->age, &p1->sex, sizeof(p1->sex), &p1->dorm, &p1->num); head = NULL; while (p1->ID != 0) { n = n + 1; if (n == 1) head = p1; else p2->next = p1; p2 = p1; p1 = (struct Student *)malloc(LEN); scanf_s("%s%d%d%s%d%d", p1->name,20, &p1->ID, &p1->age, &p1->sex,sizeof(p1->sex), &p1->dorm, &p1->num); } p2->next = NULL; return (head); } void print(struct Student *head){ struct Student *p; printf("\nname: ID: age: sex: dorm: num:\n"); p = head; if (head != NULL) do { printf("%s\t%d\t%d\t%c\t%d\t%d", p->name, p->ID, p->age, p->sex, p->dorm, p->num); p = p->next; } while (p != NULL); else { printf("error!\n"); } } void FindID(){ struct Student *head = NULL; struct Student *p ; p = head; long long studentID = 0; if (head == NULL) { printf("没有数据可供查找!"); return; } printf("请输入你要查找的学生ID:"); scanf_s("%lld", &studentID); while (studentID != p->ID && p->next != NULL) { p = p->next; } if (studentID == studentID) { printf("%s", p->name); printf("%11d", p->ID); printf("%5d", p->age); printf("%c", p->sex); printf("%8d", p->dorm); printf("%5d", p->num); } else { printf("没有你要查找的人!"); } return; } struct Student *insert(struct Student *head, struct Student *stud) { struct Student *p0, *p1, *p2 = NULL; p1 = head; p0 = stud; if (head == NULL) { head = p0; p0->next = NULL; } else { while ((p0->num > p1->num) && (p1->next != NULL)) { p2 = p1; p1 = p1->next; } if (p0->num <= p1->num) { if (head == p1) head = p0; else p2->next = p0; p0->next = p1; } else { p1->next = p0; p0->next = NULL; } } n = n + 1; return (head); } struct Student *del(struct Student *head, long long ID) { struct Student *p1, *p2 = NULL; if (head == NULL) { printf("\nList NULL!\n"); return (head); } p1 = head; while (ID != p1->ID && p1->next == NULL) { p2 = p1; p1 = p1->next; } if (ID == p1->ID) { if (p1 == head) head = p1->next; else p1->next = p2->next; printf("delete:%lld\n", ID); n = n - 1; } else printf("%lld not been found!\n", ID); return (head); } void Menu(){ printf("\t 0.返回学生信息表。\n"); printf("\t 1.输入学生信息。\n"); printf("\t 2.查询学生(按学号)信息。\n"); printf("\t 3.插入学生信息(按学号)。\n"); printf("\t 4.删除学生成绩(按学号)信息。\n"); printf("\t 5.输出学生信息。\n"); }