Closed notwiioe closed 5 years ago
#include"stdio.h" #include"stdlib.h" #include"string.h" #include"windows.h" typedef struct Student{ char name[20]; int id; int age; char gender[4]; int dorm; int bed; struct Student *next; }Stu; int n=0; Stu *c,*r,*head; Stu *p; FILE *fp; void typein() { for(int i = 0;i < n;i ++) { printf("Please input student's information:\n name:\n id:\n age:\n gender:\n dorm:\n bed:\n"); c = (Stu *)malloc(sizeof(Stu)); scanf("%s%d%d%s%d%d",&c->name,&c->id,&c->age,&c->gender,&c->dorm,&c->bed); c->next = NULL; if(!head) head = c; else r->next = c; r = c; } } void input(FILE *fp) { c = (Stu *)malloc(sizeof(Stu)); fread(c,sizeof(Stu),1,fp); r = head = c; while(c->next) { c = c->next; c = (Stu *)malloc(sizeof(Stu)); fread(c,sizeof(Stu),1,fp); r->next = c; r = c; } r->next = NULL; fclose(fp); } //输出 void output() { p = head; printf("student information:\n"); while(p) { printf(" name:%s id:%d age:%d gender:%s dorm:%d bed:%d\n\n",p->name,p->id,p->age,p->gender,p->dorm,p->bed); p = p->next; } } //查询 void query() { int stu_id; if(!p) printf("null\n"); else { printf("please enter the id you want:\n"); scanf("%d",&stu_id); while(p) { if(p->id == stu_id) { printf(" name:%s\n id:%d\n age:%d\n gender:%s\n dorm:%d\n bed:%d\n",p->name,p->id,p->age,p->gender,p->dorm,p->bed); break; } else p = p->next; } } } //插入 void insert() { Stu *new_infor; int in; new_infor = (Stu *)malloc(sizeof(Stu)); printf("Please input the new student information:\n name:\n id:\n age:\n gender:\n dorm:\n bed:\n"); scanf("%s%d%d%s%d%d",&new_infor->name,&new_infor->id,&new_infor->age,&new_infor->gender,&new_infor->dorm,&new_infor->bed); printf("Please enter the location you want to insert:"); scanf("%d",&in); if(in == 1) { new_infor->next = head; head = new_infor; } else { for(int j = 1;j < in - 1 && p;j ++) p = p->next; new_infor->next = p->next; p->next = new_infor; } n++; } //删除 void Delete() { Stu *ne; int del; printf("Please enter the location you want to delete:"); scanf("%d",&del); if(del == 1) head = head->next; else { for(int j = 1;j < del -1 && p;j ++) p = p->next; ne = p->next; p->next = ne->next; } free(ne); n--; } //存储 void storage() { fp=fopen("D:\\data.dat","w"); if(!fp) { printf("failed to open file"); exit(0); } fwrite(p,sizeof(Stu),n,fp); fclose(fp); printf("done\n"); } int main() { int sw; fp=fopen("D:\\data.dat","rb"); head = NULL; if(fp == NULL) { printf("please enter the number you want to input\n"); scanf("%d",&n); typein(); } else input(fp); output(); while(1) { p = head; printf("3查询4插入5删除6存储与退出"); scanf("%d",&sw); switch(sw) { case 3: query(); break; case 4: system("cls"); insert(); output(); break; case 5: system("cls"); Delete(); output(); break; case 6: system("cls"); storage(); printf("seeya\n\n"); exit(0); } } return 0; }