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Bluetooth not working on Android x86 Pie (android-x86-9.0-r2), but working on Android x86 Nougat (android-x86-7.1-r4) #91

Open projectbtle opened 3 years ago

projectbtle commented 3 years ago

Firstly, thanks for this great project. Very useful for researchers.

I'm trying to test Bluetooth on Android Pie, but am unable to get it to work.




When we try to turn on Bluetooth within Settings, logcat shows:

08-18 07:00:23.743  1766  2425 D BluetoothManagerService: enable(  mBluetooth =null mBinding = false mState = OFF
08-18 07:00:23.743  1766  2425 D BluetoothManagerService: enable returning
08-18 07:00:23.743  1766  1834 D BluetoothManagerService: MESSAGE_ENABLE(0): mBluetooth = null
08-18 07:00:23.743  1766  1834 E BluetoothManagerService: Fail to bind to: Intent { act=android.bluetooth.IBluetooth }

The same setup with Android x86 Nougat (android-x86-7.1-r4) works.

projectbtle commented 3 years ago

Attached logcat and dmesg outputs for Nougat (where Bluetooth works) and Pie (where Bluetooth doesn't work).

logcat_nougat.txt dmesg_nougat.txt logcat_pie.txt dmesg_pie.txt

Jikodis commented 2 years ago

I have had issues in Android X-86 and BlissOS. This is what I have found to fix my specific issue after toying with different commands. You may be able to automate this process on boot following a process similar to

Also note that I am on Mac and had to get a bluetooth USB adapter since MacOS does not allow you to use the built in bluetooth.

I also had to force Mac to not auto-capture my bluetooth USB dongle, but to let VirtualBox take it over. The command was sudo nvram bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior=never

As to why this is needed, I don't know, but hopefully Bluetooth is more stable in future versions of Android X-86.

Command Chain (w/Sleep delays):

hciconfig && gsudo hciconfig hci0 down && sleep 10 && gsudo pm disable && sleep 10 && gsudo pm enable && sleep 10 && gsudo service call bluetooth_manager 6 && sleep 10 && gsudo hciconfig hci0 up

Commands to Enter and Leave Terminal:

Enter terminal: Alt + F1

Leave terminal: Alt + F7

Ordered Steps Explanation:

Extra Commands:


whitedavidp commented 1 year ago

Well, I'll be darned! Thanks Jikodis for the above post. I really need to have BT working inside my Android x86 Guest and for some reason, this does the trick. I never would have figured this out myself. I had managed to find the hciconfig -a and hciconfig chi0 up myself somehow and I was able to run hcitool scan and lescan and see results. So I thought I had it made. But that was not sufficient. I now have Tasker running this command line (with root) at boot:

_hciconfig hci0 down; sleep 5;pm disable;sleep 5;pm enable;sleep 5;service call bluetoothmanager 6;sleep 5;hciconfig hci0 up

Ch667 commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot Jikodis, bluetooth worked successfully on my android x86 7.0-R5!