android / android-ktx

A set of Kotlin extensions for Android app development.
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Features suggestions: Live data transformation #589

Closed theerasan closed 6 years ago

theerasan commented 6 years ago

Since Android Team announces LiveData and Transformation. We use it a lot in our project but somehow the transformation is not enough so we create our own extension to solve our issue, so we would like to share

import android.arch.lifecycle.LiveData
import android.arch.lifecycle.MediatorLiveData
import android.arch.lifecycle.Transformations

fun <X, Y> LiveData<X>.map(func: (source: X) -> Y) =, func)

fun <X, Y> LiveData<X>.switchMap(func: (source: X?) -> LiveData<Y>) = Transformations.switchMap(this, func)

fun <X, Y, Z> LiveData<X>.zip(stream: LiveData<Y>, func: (source1: X?, source2: Y?) -> Z): LiveData<Z> {
    val result = MediatorLiveData<Z>()
    result.addSource(this, { x -> result.setValue(func.invoke(x, stream.value)) })
    result.addSource(stream, { y -> result.setValue(func.invoke(this.value, y)) })
    return result

fun <X> LiveData<X>.merge(stream: LiveData<X>): LiveData<X> {
    val result = MediatorLiveData<X>()
    result.addSource(this, { x -> result.setValue(x) })
    result.addSource(stream, { x -> result.setValue(x) })
    return result

fun <X, Y> LiveData<X>.mapNotNull(func: (source: X?) -> Y?): LiveData<Y> {
    val result = MediatorLiveData<Y>()
    result.addSource(this, { x ->
        val y = func.invoke(x)
        if (y != null) result.setValue(y)
    return result

fun <X> LiveData<X>.filter(func: (source: X?) -> Boolean): LiveData<X> {
    val result = MediatorLiveData<X>()
    result.addSource(this, { x -> if (func.invoke(x)) result.setValue(x) })
    return result

fun <X> LiveData<X>.filterNotNull(func: (source: X) -> Boolean): LiveData<X> {
    val result = MediatorLiveData<X>()
    result.addSource(this, { x ->
        if (x != null && func.invoke(x)) result.setValue(x)
    return result

fun <X> LiveData<X?>.filterOutNull(): LiveData<X> {
    val result = MediatorLiveData<X>()
    result.addSource(this, { x ->
        if (x != null) result.setValue(x)
    return result

fun <M, S> MediatorLiveData<M>.observeOnce(source: LiveData<S>, func: (data: S?) -> Unit) {
    this.addSource(source, {
JakeWharton commented 6 years ago

This project is only extensions for the Android framework APIs and not the AndroidX libraries. If you want to propose this functionality to LiveData (which has no reason to be a Kotlin extension) please file a feature request at under the AndroidX component.