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Espresso not triggering SelectionTracker #1382

Open aljohnston112 opened 2 years ago

aljohnston112 commented 2 years ago


A longClick() with RecyclerViewActions.actionOnItemAtPosition does not trigger the selection of the item in a RecyclerView that has been passed to a SelectionTracker.

Steps to Reproduce

Set up a SelectionTracker with a RecyclerView in a Fragment.

Use launchActivity and onActivity set the Fragment to the Activity.

longClick() an item in the RecyclerView

Notice that nothing was selected.

It is worth noting that if debugging, and at a breakpoint, if you manually longClick(), a selection will be triggered.

Expected Results

The SelectionTracker to be triggered by a longClick() on an item in the RecyclerView passed to it, therefore triggering a selection.

Actual Results

The SelectionTracker was not triggered by a longClick() on an item in the RecyclerView passed to it, and a selection was not triggered.

AndroidX Test and Android OS Versions

androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-contrib:3.4.0'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.4.0'

Android 11

Here is some context:

aljohnston112 commented 2 years ago
        val cdl  = CountDownLatch(1)
        scenario.onActivity {
            val recyclerView = it.findViewById<RecyclerView>(
            val ite = recyclerView.getChildAt(0)
                { FloatArray(location.size){ i -> (location[i]+1).toFloat() } },

Long click still does not trigger SelectionTracker when clicked through the root view. I have verified it is connected to the Fragment's RecyclerView. This is clearly a bug.

SimonMarquis commented 1 year ago

InputDevice seems to be the culprit. Changing the default value to something like SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN or SOURCE_MOUSE triggered the SelectionTracker for us.

+, MotionEvent.BUTTON_PRIMARY)

I'm not sure what changed between 1.5.0 betas and 1.5.0 stable though.

kozmotronik commented 1 week ago

The @SimonMarquis 's tip helped me overcome this issue. However, in my case, I have to long click in order to trigger selection tracker. This is why was not suitable for my case. The ViewActions.longClick does not allow to specify the InputDevice either. So I ended up with the following code and got it working for selection tracker:

onView(withId(, new GeneralClickAction(
                Tap.LONG, GeneralLocation.CENTER, Press.FINGER, InputDevice.SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN,

Although there is some workarounds like this, the framework should get needed peaces so that it handles well triggering of the selection tracker without extra boilerplate code.