android / codelab-android-dagger-to-hilt

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Fix issue 1 - Branch Master is not the starting point #13

Open lucasferreiramachado opened 2 years ago

lucasferreiramachado commented 2 years ago

From Issue 1: Branch Master is not the starting point related by @evowizz . Thanks!

Problem to solve:

According to page #2 of the codelab, we are supposed to add Hilt to the project ourselves. However, as seen in the following lines, Hilt is already included in this project in Master.

android-dagger-to-hilt/build.gradle Line 5 in 267db26

ext.hilt_version = '2.28-alpha'   

android-dagger-to-hilt/build.gradle Line 13 in 267db26

classpath "$hilt_version" 

android-dagger-to-hilt/app/build.gradle Line 9 in 267db26

apply plugin: '' 

android-dagger-to-hilt/app/build.gradle Lines 71 to 73 in 267db26

// Hilt dependencies
implementation "$hilt_version" 
kapt "$hilt_version"  

Moreover, this also prevent us from running the project at its starting point, because Hilt produces the following issue:

com\example\android\dagger\di\ error: [Hilt]
public final class AppSubcomponents {
             ^ must also be annotated with @InstallIn.
  [Hilt] Processing did not complete. See error above for details

Solution proposal:

  1. Remove Hilt dependencies.
  2. Setup Dagger dependencies.