android / codelab-android-paging

Jetpack Paging codelab
Apache License 2.0
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Calling refresh() method twice, stops the pagination. #223

Open akritkhanna opened 2 years ago

akritkhanna commented 2 years ago

I'm able to populate the list and pagination is working as expected. But when I call adapter.refresh() method twice by using pull to refresh, the pagination stops working.

Please refer the below video to get the better idea about the prolem.


class VideoPagingSource(
    private val apiInterface: ApiInterface,
    private val schoolId: String,
    private val ordering: String?,
    private val courseId: String?,
    private val moduleId: String?,
    private val searchText: String?
) : PagingSource<Int, Video>() {

    override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<Int, Video>): Int? = null

    override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, Video> {
        val pageNumber = params.key
        return try {
            val response = apiInterface.getVideos(schoolId, ordering, courseId, moduleId, searchText, pageNumber)
            val pagedResponse = response?.body()
            var nextPageNumber: Int? = null
            if (pagedResponse?.links?.next != null) {
                val uri = Uri.parse(
                val nextPageQuery = uri.getQueryParameter("page")
                nextPageNumber = nextPageQuery?.toInt()

                data = response?.body()?.objects.orEmpty(),
                prevKey = null,
                nextKey = nextPageNumber
        } catch (e: Exception) {



class PreClassViewModel @Inject constructor(private val repository: PreClassRepository) :
    ViewModel() {

    private val queryParamLiveData = MutableLiveData<QueryParams>()

    val videosLiveData = queryParamLiveData.switchMap {

            schoolId = it.extraArgs[0],
            ordering = it.extraArgs[1],
            courseId = it.courseId,
            moduleId = it.chapterId,
            searchText = it.searchText


    fun setQueryParam(queryParams: QueryParams){
        queryParamLiveData.value = queryParams



class VideosFragment : BaseFragment<FragmentVideosBinding>(FragmentVideosBinding::inflate),
    VideosPagingAdapter.VideoClickListener {

    private val viewModel by viewModels<PreClassViewModel>()
    private var chapter: ModulesItem? = null
    private var courseId: String? = null
    private var adapter: VideosPagingAdapter? = null

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        chapter = Gson().fromJson(arguments?.getString(BUNDLE_CHAPTER),
        courseId = arguments?.getString(BUNDLE_COURSE_ID)

                courseId = courseId,
                chapterId = chapter?.id.toString(),
                searchText = null,


    override fun initView() {

        adapter = VideosPagingAdapter(chapter?.imageUrl, this)
        binding.videoRV.adapter = adapter!!.withLoadStateFooter(footer = DefaultFooterAdapter())
        lifecycleScope.launch {
            adapter?.loadStateFlow?.collectLatest {

                binding.progressBar.isVisible = it.refresh is LoadState.Loading

                if (binding.swipeContainer.isRefreshing){
                    binding.swipeContainer.isRefreshing = it.refresh is LoadState.Loading



    override fun initListener() {
        binding.swipeContainer.setOnRefreshListener {

    override fun addObserver() {

        viewModel.videosLiveData.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
            adapter?.submitData(viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycle, it)



    override var setSelection: String
        get() = Constants.FEATURE_LEARN
        set(value) {}

    override fun onVideoClick(video: Video) {


baishyamridul commented 1 year ago

@akritkhanna Facing same issue, have you fixed it ?

akritkhanna commented 1 year ago

@akritkhanna Facing same issue, have you fixed it ?

@baishyamridul No, I switched to traditional approach for the pagination but this time I used BaseAdapter class with diffUtil. In that I was facing the same issue but I was able to fix it by using the extension function. yourList.toMutableList() Let me know if this works the paging library.

DawnNguyenAhiho commented 3 months ago

I'm facing the same issue, too. But when I update the pagingConfig, using pageSize = 20, everything just gone, the pagination always work no matter how many time I refresh. Hope this will help