android / identity-samples

Multiple samples showing the best practices in identity on Android.
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Sample for Credential Manager with Sign in with Google #53

Open yschimke opened 8 months ago

yschimke commented 8 months ago

Is there a sample planned for Credential Manager with Sign in with Google?

We struggled with it, found a fix, but unclear if it's a fix for all situations?

yschimke commented 8 months ago


niharika2810 commented 5 months ago

Yes, we are working on this. Thank you for sharing this, we are looking into it.,

niharika2810 commented 5 months ago

Hey wanted to ask iof you have tried this :


check the documentation here :

You should first call the API with the setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts parameter set to true. If there are no credentials available, then call the API again and set setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts to false.

Let me know

yschimke commented 5 months ago

I'll try that.

The fix changed us from to GetSignInWithGoogleOption

Should we revert back to GetGoogleIdOption which is used in that sample?

val googleIdOption: GetGoogleIdOption = GetGoogleIdOption.Builder()
niharika2810 commented 5 months ago

yeah i think the official documentation has the latest methods and code. Also, the the error you got is NoCredentialException which is expected, given the non authorized account has been filterd by setting the "setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts" to true.

yschimke commented 5 months ago

Thanks, that all makes sense.

Is there a reason to prefer one or the other Button vs non-button?

nick-sasquatch commented 4 months ago

I'm struggling with this as well--I'd expect that setting setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts(true) would throw the NoCredentialException, but when I set that to false, I'm getting the same result. I tried the same thing with the GetSignInWithGoogleOption, and the view with all of the accounts I'd expect showed up, but when selecting one, no credential was returned.

Maybe I'm not understanding the flow, but it doesn't seem like I'd need to run through the email/password flow to create an account if there's an existing set of credentials on my device. Can you point me to documentation/an example on how this workflow should work? Thanks! (I'm also happy to put this into a new issue or ask elsewhere if that's the best approach.)

Freshm4at commented 3 months ago

@nick-sasquatch I've exact same problem. When i try with GetGoogleIdOption, error is no credential When i try with GetSignInWithGoogleOption, error is GetCredentialCustomException: Account authorization failed

Maybe the ServerClientId, but i don't think so, I had copy/paste from google Cloud Console. Also I added a google account on the emulator, but it changes nothing for the problem.

Some help? I found nothing on web. Thank's!

Wraiyth commented 3 months ago

@Freshm4at We are having the exact same issue as you as well. If we use GetSignInWithGoogleOption, we get the same Account authorization failed exception. At this stage it seems better to just use the old sign-in methods even though they are deprecated?

nick-sasquatch commented 3 months ago

@Freshm4at For me, the issue was in my firebase configuration--there are a couple ways to specify your app's SHA fingerprint: SHA-1 and SHA-256, and I only had the SHA-256 set. Turns out you need the SHA-1 no matter what. Hope you get this sorted soon!

Wraiyth commented 3 months ago

@nick-sasquatch This was sort of my issue as well - in my case it was the incorrect SHA1 in the Android project that was created directly in Google Cloud, but now I'm getting an error "Unable to get token". Did you experience this at all?

nick-sasquatch commented 3 months ago

@Wraiyth Sorry, I didn't experience that error.

freehussain commented 2 months ago

i have the same issue here

niharika2810 commented 2 months ago

Let me check this and get back to you.

ipyton commented 2 months ago

Yes, I guess a more details needed. For example, I don't know how to allow user to add a new account when a google account do not exist on the device. And there are so many old version examples may misguide the developers. Thank you!

niharika2810 commented 1 month ago

@ksemenova Could you please check this one?

vakdeniz commented 1 month ago


I have exact same issue. When I call the Api with .setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts(true), I got the NoCredentialException which is fine. However, when I call the api again with .setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts(false), I still get the same exception without sign in prompt.

Is there anything we could do different?

hellaandrew commented 1 month ago

I have perhaps some more information to add to this. I'm working on updating my auth flow to use the new credential manager. When I set setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts to true, I am shown a single Google account I've used mainly in the past to test my app. However, I know for certain that I've used other Google accounts to log in and do more testing.

I have 5 Google accounts on my device, and only 1 shows up when setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts is set to true. If it's false, no Sign in with Google sheet appears.

tal-mi commented 1 month ago

Same problem as vakdeniz. Getting NoCredentialsException regardless of setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts state.

niharika2810 commented 1 month ago

HI all,

We've updated our documentation to be clearer and prescriptive about when to use setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts: Could you please check if this explains the usage.

Generally, a developer should be initiating a sign in request using CredMan (requesting all credential types they support and request SiwG with setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts(true) to get the Google Accounts that have been used.

IFF no credentials are returned, they should be initiating a sign up request using CredMan, and request SiwG with setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts(false) to get ALL the Google Accounts for the given device to pick one for sign up.

Let us know if this clariries or you need more help here.

tal-mi commented 1 month ago

Hi @niharika2810 Edge case remains when a device does not have any Google account registered. Regardless of setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts(true) or setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts(false) the flow will issue a "androidx.credentials.exceptions.NoCredentialException: No credentials available" not allowing the user to create an account. Is this by design? In the previous google play auth library (deprecated) the flow initiated a create account option regardless.


hainm-2525 commented 3 weeks ago

hi @yschimke , I use Credential Manager with Sign in with Google . but popup like this. Ảnh màn hình 2024-06-04 lúc 08 40 58 But I want to show policy, and term at below popup. I try to find many way but not working. and I think not support show policy and term like this. it's right? Ảnh màn hình 2024-06-04 lúc 08 42 38

yschimke commented 3 weeks ago

@hainm-2525 I don't work on the samples, was just asking questions as another user.

Freshm4at commented 3 weeks ago

For me, it was a problem of SHA-1.

For those who using Firebase it's simple. Firebase is your ID provider, and when we send it requests (get this user, get this tokenID, signIn, etc...) it needs to verify that is your application and not another program or else.

To do so, in your Firebase project, you perhaps already add a SHA-1, acting like a signature of your app. This SHA-1, you got it from your Google dev console. It's the SHA-1 use to sign you app when it's publish on PlayStore.

But the problem is when debug!! It's not the same SHA-1. When you build your app for debug in android studio, it use a SHA-1 specific for debug. That's why Firebase didn't recognize your App and auth process crash.

Solution PS : I'm on Windows, but i think it's same on Mac and Linux but with different paths

You need to find your debug SHA-1. To do so :

Open android studio, and go to terminal :

  1. Go to folder where gradle is used by android, you need to use a gradle tool called keytool cd C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio1\jbr\bin

  2. run this command .\keytool -list -v -keystore "C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

  3. Optional. Sometimes it requires a password to decrypt the debug.keystore. For all android studio users, it's the same : android

With this, you will get your debug SHA-1 : Capture d'écran 2024-06-05 102944

  1. Copy and paste it in your Firebase project parameters : Capture d'écran 2024-06-05 103322

Now Firebase is able to recognize your app even if it build on debug, with debug SHA-1.

You can also use SHA-256 for more security.

PS : if the keytool command do not work, maybe make sure to have java install on your computer. But normally it will works.

Enjoy 👍

YoreBoard commented 2 weeks ago

Same struggle here. I've tried it all. My only guess is that I need to get my account verified. Hopefully that does the trick. Pretty. Frustrating.

It would also be super helpful to have a Java example available here...

hmdevelo commented 2 weeks ago

I have an error and it says "activity is cancelled by the user" from credentialManager.getCredential(request, context). I have added the correct SHA-1 and using web client id (not the android id). Have someone encounter this error? Please show me how to fix it!

almasmaris commented 1 week ago

I'm using GetSignInWithGoogleOption because i just want to use Google Signin Button and got error NoCredentialException: No credentials available. I'm using the SHA1 in my local project, not in the .android folder.

@hainm-2525 can you provide your code regarding how to use the sign in with google button?

axitasavani commented 4 days ago

Hi @niharika2810 Edge case remains when a device does not have any Google account registered. Regardless of setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts(true) or setFilterByAuthorizedAccounts(false) the flow will issue a "androidx.credentials.exceptions.NoCredentialException: No credentials available" not allowing the user to create an account. Is this by design? In the previous google play auth library (deprecated) the flow initiated a create account option regardless.


Any update on this? as I m face this same issue @tal-mi