android / renderscript-samples

Multiple samples showing renderscript best practices in Android.
Apache License 2.0
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Build failed #13

Open YSY4869 opened 3 years ago

YSY4869 commented 3 years ago

I failed to compile the script file The error info. was Error while executing process $mysdkroot/build-tools/28.0.3/llvm-rs-cc with arguments { -I $mysdkroot/build-tools/28.0.3/renderscript/include/ -I $mysdkroot/build-tools/28.0.3/renderscript/clang-include/ -rs-package-name=androidx.renderscript -p $myprojroot/renderscript-samples-main/BasicRenderScript/Application/build/generated/renderscript_source_output_dir/debug/out -target-api 18 $myprojroot/renderscript-samples-main/BasicRenderScript/Application/src/main/rs/ -O 3 -o $myprojroot/renderscript-samples-main/BasicRenderScript/Application/build/generated/res/rs/debug/raw }

I can't get any helpful info. from it. Any suggestions? Thanks!

BlackSpruce commented 3 years ago

In the latest version of Android Studio I removed the buildToolsVersion "29.0.3" from the Gradle script and this error disappeared.

YSY4869 commented 3 years ago

In the latest version of Android Studio I removed the buildToolsVersion "29.0.3" from the Gradle script and this error disappeared.

Thank you for your help, but I still can't solve the problem. I have several questions below.
