Closed MayuriKhinvasara closed 4 months ago
I'm getting a crash when I try to set the media uri:
In Contact.kt
I set the dog to reply with a mediaUri like this:
"dog" to { _ ->
buildReply {
this.text = "Check out the Top 3 Modern Android Development Announcements from I/O '23!"
mediaUri = ""
mediaMimeType = "video/mp4"
but this leads to a crash
java.lang.RuntimeException: setDataSource failed: status = 0xFFFFFFEA
at Method)
Should I use another media uri to test remote videos?
ah, i think the crash is due to local videos, not remote videos.
i added some print statements. when i record a video, the uri is /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/
, which doesn't start with content://
Fixed the crash. Switched the logic to tread remote urls via https.
lgtm, one suggestion about adding a comment for why we moved getting the video duration to the IO thread, as I think it's not clear for a developer just reading the code
Support playback of video through network. Modify the MediaMetadataRetriever data sources to support remote urls. Move this to an IO Thread.