android10 / frodo

Android Library for Logging RxJava Observables and Subscribers.
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Prevent DebugLog logs messages when running code under JUnit. #30

Open VictorAlbertos opened 8 years ago

VictorAlbertos commented 8 years ago


I've been getting the next exception when running a JUnit test which calls methods annotated with @RxLogObservable

java.lang.RuntimeException: Method d in android.util.Log not mocked. See for details.

    at android.util.Log.d(
    at com.fernandocejas.frodo.internal.DebugLog.log(
    at com.fernandocejas.frodo.internal.MessageManager.printMessage(
    at com.fernandocejas.frodo.internal.MessageManager.printObservableInfo(
    at com.fernandocejas.frodo.internal.observable.FrodoObservable.getObservable(
    at com.fernandocejas.frodo.aspect.LogObservable.weaveAroundJoinPoint(

I've been able to fix the error by adding the next configuration test to gradle:

android {
    testOptions {
        unitTests.returnDefaultValues = true

This pull request tries to fix that. I've been able to compile the project and run successfully the unit tests of "frodo-runtime" module. But it seems that DebugLog class isn't covered by any of them (probably not need for that until now).

Also, I don't know how can I test this new functionality from the android sample app. I couldn't connect the "frodo-plugin" gradle locally with the sample app. Indeed, I don't even know if that's possible (I have a very limited knowledge about gradle plugins).