androidbroadcast / ViewBindingPropertyDelegate

Make work with Android View Binding simpler
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java.lang.IllegalStateException Fragment's view can't be accessed. Fragment isn't added #100

Closed final-class closed 2 years ago

final-class commented 2 years ago

Hello, version 1.5.6, crashlytics reports new crashes:

Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment's view can't be accessed. Fragment isn't added at by.kirich1409.viewbindingdelegate.LifecycleViewBindingProperty.getValue(ViewBindingProperty.kt:87) at by.kirich1409.viewbindingdelegate.FragmentViewBindingProperty.getValue(FragmentViewBindings.kt:63) at by.kirich1409.viewbindingdelegate.FragmentViewBindingProperty.getValue(FragmentViewBindings.kt:52)

In fragment i declare like this: private val binding by viewBinding(FragmentFirstBinding::bind)


kirich1409 commented 2 years ago

The issue has full informatio in crash log. You try to access viewbinding when Fragment isn't added and has no view. Check state of Fragment before update views