androidbroadcast / ViewBindingPropertyDelegate

Make work with Android View Binding simpler
Apache License 2.0
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My viewBinding not work #91

Closed DanteAndroid closed 2 years ago

DanteAndroid commented 2 years ago

Hi, I've read your article about viewbinding and found it very useful. So I'm trying to write a version of mine. But it doesn't work. This is view binding util code:

class ViewBinding<T : ViewBinding>(
    private val fragment: Fragment,
    private val vbClass: Class<T>
) : ReadOnlyProperty<Fragment, T> {

    private val message = "should never try get ViewBinding when it might not be available"
    private var _value: T? = null

    override fun getValue(thisRef: Fragment, property: KProperty<*>): T {
        _value?.let { return it }
        _value = createViewBinding(vbClass, fragment.layoutInflater)
        return _value ?: throw IllegalStateException(message)

    private fun createViewBinding(clzz: Class<T>, inflater: LayoutInflater): T =
            .invoke(null, inflater) as T


inline fun <reified T : ViewBinding> Fragment.mViewBinding() = ViewBinding(this,

And in fragment:

class LoginFragment : Fragment(R.layout.login_fragment) {

    private val binding: LoginFragmentBinding by mViewBinding()

//    private val binding : LoginFragmentBinding by viewBinding()

    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
        with(binding) {
            message.text = "test"
            message.setOnClickListener {

Could you please help me figure it out?

DanteAndroid commented 2 years ago

not work means the message doesn't change to "test" and onClickListenner not triggered. But with your library all works fine.

kirich1409 commented 2 years ago

It's because your ViewBinding delegate inflate new View and doesn't set assign to Fragment. Update of view is successful, but Fragment shows another View as content

kirich1409 commented 2 years ago

Instead of call "inflate", true to use "bind" and get existed view from Fragment