I should see the image in excel format as well. I am using xls format
Actual behavior
I have download the excel and I can see all the free format value bit the image is not reflecting. The size of photo is very small. I saw that the same file when i open with WPS it is showing the image whereas when I try to open in Excel the image filed is blanked
Expected behavior
I should see the image in excel format as well. I am using xls format
Actual behavior
I have download the excel and I can see all the free format value bit the image is not reflecting. The size of photo is very small. I saw that the same file when i open with WPS it is showing the image whereas when I try to open in Excel the image filed is blanked
Steps to reproduce the issue
var sql: SQLiteToExcel? if (path.isNullOrEmpty()) { sql = SQLiteToExcel(this, "myDBfile.db") } else { sql = SQLiteToExcel(this, "myDBfile.db", path) } return sql }
sql.exportAllTables (fileName, object : SQLiteToExcel.ExportListener { override fun onStart() { } override fun onCompleted(filePath: String) { } override fun onError(e: Exception) { } })