androidx / constraintlayout

ConstraintLayout is an Android layout component which allows you to position and size widgets in a flexible way
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Carousel changes views randomly if used inside a RecyclerView #832

Closed lucasqrib closed 11 months ago

lucasqrib commented 11 months ago

Using the Carousel as a RecyclerView item changes the visible item randomly when it is reattached to the window. The selected item index is not affected, just the views.


The onAttachedToWindow method, which is called multiple times on a RecyclerView, adds all views to the array and makes it increase every time it is reattached, so I guess it needs to clear the view arrays before adding it.

I reproduced it using the latest release version: 2.1.4

Sample project:

lucasqrib commented 11 months ago

It seems fixed in the newest alpha version: 2.2.0-alpha10

So I'm closing the issue.