androidx / constraintlayout

ConstraintLayout is an Android layout component which allows you to position and size widgets in a flexible way
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setDragScale method in OnSwipe only accepts integer values #833

Open chandruscm opened 11 months ago

chandruscm commented 11 months ago

When programmatically adding an OnSwipe behaviour to a Motion Layout Transition, the dragScale cannot be set to values less than 1 since the public setDragScale method only accepts an integer.

// ../constraintlayout/motion/widget/

public OnSwipe setDragScale(int dragScale) {
        mDragScale = dragScale;
        return this;

The expectation would be to pass a float value as the xml attribute allows it.

The same signature is used for setDragThreshold.

Happy to create a quick PR if this is indeed unintended.