androidx / constraintlayout

ConstraintLayout is an Android layout component which allows you to position and size widgets in a flexible way
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MotionCompose Not Working with RememberSaveable #852

Open rabyunghwa opened 5 months ago

rabyunghwa commented 5 months ago

I'm referring specifically to the "ToolbarLazyExample DSL" demo project. If I use the rememberSaveable API to save the progress value, which is then passed to the MotionLayout, motion animation doesn't work:

    val progress = 1 - (toolbarHeight.value - minPx) / (maxPx - minPx)
    val motionProgress by rememberSaveable {
    Column {
            motionScene = scene,
            progress = motionProgress
        ) {

The Toolbar is not moving at all.