androidx / media

Jetpack Media3 support libraries for media use cases, including ExoPlayer, an extensible media player for Android
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Can we preview transformer Composition without generating an output video file #1185

Open omkarsurya opened 5 months ago

omkarsurya commented 5 months ago

Can we preview transformer Composition without generating an output video file

Transformer comes with a lot of features, While I know we can use ExoPlayer.setVideoEffects

it is a very basic and limited feature, while there is also an issues related to the ability to setVideoEffects for a specific duration

There are other features like PIP , audio effects, image to video etc. which cannot be previewed in the existing exoplayer set up while I under stand that transformer and ExoPlayer are separate, there are many features which already exist in transformer for which we need to use a different mechanism like glsurfaceview etc. where implementing features like PIP etc. is difficult also repetition of work which already has been done in the transformer.

for developing any video editing application previewing any result with an interactive video editing timeline is an essential feature, while using the glsurfaceview can be an alternative but it is a complex solution while existing api solutions like ExoPlayer.setVideoEffects() or ExoPlayer.setMediaSources() are not optimal

feature request

Ability to set composition for exoplayer similar to some thing already available in IOS like AVComposition can be set to AVPlayer

droid-girl commented 5 months ago

@omkarsurya this feature is on our roadmap. The team is working on adding functionality to enable preview of Composition.

omkarsurya commented 5 months ago

any time line how soon it will be developed or if we can use it any of the main/alpha/beta branches, I am mostly facing issues with the video preview, I understand audio preview can be difficult but sooner the video preview is available it will be better. We have to maintain a separate GLsurfaceview mechanism to achieve this, a video preview like setDebugViewProvider but with seek/play/pause features like the one already present in exoplayer, i guess the video preview is mostly dependent on implementation of the GLsurfaceview logic it self which is present in transformer already, it might be easier to incorporate that in exoplyaer.

omkarsurya commented 5 months ago

Can I know how soon will the Feature be implemented Previewing changes made to video is a primary requirement of my app I had tried using only player.setVideoEffects how ever it has a lot of limitations, like 1) we cannot show PIP video 2) There is no functionality to show an effect for a specific duration something that is discussed here 3) we cannot use GLSurfaceView with player.setVideoEffects as I have discussed here

Only thing that I know is there is a roadmap, however if I know whether this feature will be available in next release or within a couple of months , I can plan the next part of my app,

droid-girl commented 5 months ago

Hi @omkarsurya, the team is actively working on this functionality. Unfortunately, I am not able to share with you any specific release dates for this feature.

droid-girl commented 5 months ago

I will check if there are any workarounds you can do for your use cases

omkarsurya commented 5 months ago

I will check if there are any workarounds you can do for your use cases

thanks for the reply, My requirement is mostly with the "visual" part of the video files I can manage audio on my own, if there is any help regarding this it will be really helpful . Again thanks for the reply.

droid-girl commented 4 months ago

Hi @omkarsurya , Apologies for taking the time to reply. The team is working on fixing the bug to address issue #821. We will update the issue when it is done on our side.