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Question around HLS Low latency behaviour #1240

Open luckygoyal-bitmovin opened 2 months ago

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 months ago

I am testing Apple HLS-LL stream with media3/Exoplayer and have observed following behaviour which does not seem optimum. The player is requesting all video variants playlists between downloading video partial segments.


luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 months ago

Dear Google Team, is there any feedback on this? Please do let me know if any more information is required.

tianyif commented 2 months ago

Hi @luckygoyal-bitmovin,

We're looking at this, will update this shortly.

tianyif commented 2 months ago

Hi @luckygoyal-bitmovin,

Thanks for the reporting! This issue is reproducible from our end. In fact, the reloads of non-primary playlists are triggered from this piece of code, and the purpose of doing that is to check if the segments hinted for preload before have been actually published, otherwise we cancel the loading of it. However, keep reloading those playlists every time doesn't sound ideal to me.

We will keep investigating and provide a solution to this.

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 months ago

Thanks @tianyif for investigating this and sharing the update. One of our customers plan to start using HLS Low latency playback in production soon and is currently testing the same, so we are eager to have a solution for this as soon as possible. Kindly keep us updated with the progress on this investigation and if you have any solution suggestions in the interim, that will be really appreciated.

Please do also let me know if I can help in anyway. Thanks.

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 months ago

Hi @tianyif , hope you are doing well. Is there any further update about fix for this behaviour?

mayankmediakind commented 2 months ago

hey @tianyif : Can you please help provide an update on this one, this behavior is adding to the latency on when trying to playback HLS low latency content. This is important for us to get fixed to get this into production, Can you please take a look at this one on priority. cc: @rohitjoins

tianyif commented 2 months ago

Hi @luckygoyal-bitmovin and @mayankmediakind,

We're working on a fix for this issue, and we need to make sure that the comments in the internal review cycle are addressed until it is available on Github. Thanks!

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the update @tianyif . We will be eagerly waiting for the fix.

tianyif commented 2 months ago

Hello @luckygoyal-bitmovin,

We just submitted the fix to the main branch, while we did the manual testing with Apple LL-HLS sample stream, we encourage you to do more tests with different streams. Please let us know if this improves or causes any regression.

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 months ago

Hi @tianyif , thanks a lot for the fix. I will test it today and will share my observations.

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 months ago

Hi @tianyif , I did some initial testing. With the fix, the requests for non-primary video playlists is not sent so the main issue is fixed. But I observed following side effects as well.

tianyif commented 2 months ago

Thanks @luckygoyal-bitmovin for the observation!

The bullet points 1) and 2) are related. For now, in the implementation of DefaultHlsPlaylistTracker.refreshPlaylist, it calls the MediaPlaylistBundle.loadPlaylist() with the a plain playlist url (no server control query params). A thought with me is whether we should also use MediaPlaylistBundle.getMediaplaylistUriForReload() in this place instead, as the MediaPlaylistBundle keeps the status of the snapshots of the playlist, so it should be able to produce the correct url at any point. I will discuss with the team if this is something missing, or this was left on purpose, and then decide a solution to accommodate this case.

And the bullet point 2) and 3) are related on another perspective. In fact, the audio playlist is also refreshed when the HlsSampleStreamWrapper tries to continue loading but there is no segment or part available in the current playlist, via onPlaylistRefreshRequired. With this change, I saw this part of code is hit more frequently than before. The reason being this is we only allow the primary playlist (while audio playlist is not) to be refreshed periodically in this change, then the next audio chunks are more likely to be unavailable when we attempt to load it, then the HlsSampleStreamWrapper demands the refresh on the playlist. It looks like we refresh the audio playlist for non-LL live stream in this way. Again, I'll also need to check with the team if this is on purpose.

As before, I will update in the comment once the above two points are addressed.

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 months ago

Hi @tianyif , thanks for the feedback. Will look forward to further updates.

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 1 month ago

Hi @tianyif , hope you are well. Just checking in if there is any further update on the this issue?

tianyif commented 1 month ago

Hello @luckygoyal-bitmovin,

We have a commit merged recently for above follow up issue 1) - (looks like there is no tag in the commit linked this issue - sorry!), we're now working on the follow up issue 2).

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 1 month ago

Thanks @tianyif for the update. Looking forward to fix for issue 2 as well.

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 1 month ago

Hi @tianyif , hope you are well. Just checking in if there is any further update on the fix for follow up issue 2?

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @tianyif , just checking in if there is any further update? As we are getting closer to using LL-HLS in production, this issue is becoming more critical for successful deployment.

tianyif commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @luckygoyal-bitmovin,

Sorry for the delay! Been working on the other stuffs earlier, but I just sent a fix for internal review. Will try to make it to the upcoming beta01 release.

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @tianyif , thanks for the update and making progress on the fix. I will look forward to test the fix and share my feedback.

tianyif commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @luckygoyal-bitmovin, do you have a sample HLS live stream with multiple audio tracks that can be provided to us to test?

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @tianyif , the LL-HLS test stream I have at hand is having one audio track. I am checking around if I can find one with multiple audio tracks. Will update here latest by Monday if I found one.

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @tianyif , I have sent an email to containing a HLS-LL test stream URL with mulitple audio tracks. Kindly let me know if this is sufficient for your testing.

tianyif commented 1 week ago

Hi @luckygoyal-bitmovin,

Thanks for the stream URL - it is sufficient for testing! We recently pushed the fix to the development branch, and it should be available in the upcoming 1.4.0-beta01 release.

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 days ago

Hi @tianyif , thanks for the update and all the help with fixing this issue. We are planning to cherry pick the commits containing the fix for this issue. As per my understanding, following 3 commits compose the fix for the issue. Can you please confirm if cherry picking these 3 commits should be sufficient or are there any other code commits to be picked up?

tianyif commented 2 days ago

That's true - if you're cherry-picking them. And also they will be all available in 1.4.0-beta01 release.

luckygoyal-bitmovin commented 2 days ago

Thanks for the quick response.