androidx / media

Jetpack Media3 support libraries for media use cases, including ExoPlayer, an extensible media player for Android
Apache License 2.0
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When the player is paused and the screen is turned off and then resumed, only the video advances for a few seconds. #1278

Open homma-hiroshi445 opened 7 months ago

homma-hiroshi445 commented 7 months ago


Media3 main branch

More version details


Devices that reproduce the issue

Google Pixcel Fold

Devices that do not reproduce the issue


Reproducible in the demo app?

Not tested

Reproduction steps

  1. Play any work
  2. Pause at any point
  3. Turn off the screen (you can also turn off the screen by pressing the power button or turning it off over time)
  4. Return
  5. Only the video is advanced by a few seconds. When you restart playback, the video will not move until it catches up to where it has progressed, but the audio will continue to play normally since it has not progressed.

Expected result

Plays at the playback position before returning

Actual result

The video playback position is progressing


Bug Report

microkatz commented 7 months ago

Hello @homma-hiroshi445,

Thank you for reporting your issue. Would you be able to share a bug report taken during a reproduction of the issue? If you cannot share publicly, please send it to with the subject Issue #1278. Please also update this issue to indicate you've done this.

In addition, are you able to reproduce this with the demo application?