androidx / media

Jetpack Media3 support libraries for media use cases, including ExoPlayer, an extensible media player for Android
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ExoPlayer still wrongly decode some MP3 file #1480

Open Tolriq opened 1 week ago

Tolriq commented 1 week ago


Media3 pre-release (alpha, beta or RC not in this list)

More version details

1.4.0 Beta 1

Devices that reproduce the issue


Devices that do not reproduce the issue

No response

Reproducible in the demo app?

Not tested

Reproduction steps

Play the attached files, they should support gapless but it's not working and logs shows :

internalError [eventTime=4684.06, mediaPos=129.00, window=0, period=0, loadError
                                                                               androidx.media3.common.ParserException: Searched too many bytes.{contentIsMalformed=true, dataType=1}
                                                                                   at androidx.media3.extractor.mp3.Mp3Extractor.synchronize(
                                                                                   at androidx.media3.extractor.mp3.Mp3Extractor.readInternal(
                                                                                   at androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.ProgressiveMediaPeriod$ExtractingLoadable.load(
                                                                                   at androidx.media3.exoplayer.upstream.Loader$
                                                                                   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
                                                                                   at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

This is probably a follow up to as the user report that in the previous version (so before the fix from that issue) the duration was wrongly reported. Now the duration is good but there's still some decoding issue somewhere.

Expected result

No error in logs and gapless working

Actual result

Does not gapless and error in logs:


Bug Report

Tolriq commented 1 week ago

@icbaker This is most probably a follow up to your fixes from

Maybe different root issue, but they did report wrong duration before and now report correct duration, but gapless still does not work and there's error logged.

icbaker commented 21 hours ago

Thanks for the report. I can reproduce the issue by playing the 01 - Since I Left You.mp3 file in the demo app built from the tip of main and waiting for the loading position to reach the end of the file (this is when the stack trace is first logged). Playback then fails when the playback position reaches the end of the file.

I tried reverting and I see the same behaviour.

I built the demo app at 1.3.1 and I see the same behaviour there (though with the expected incorrect duration), so I don't think this is a regression. Did the user report this file working correctly previously? On what media3 version?

Tolriq commented 21 hours ago

Did not say it's a regression, just that on those files the duration was also wrong before that patch by a few seconds and it's now the correct one.

So it's possible the issue is tied like you fixed most of the stuff and it shows proper durations but there's still a wrong calculation leading to the app trying to read too much at the end by not using the updated calculation and so error and so break Gapless.