androidx / media

Jetpack Media3 support libraries for media use cases, including ExoPlayer, an extensible media player for Android
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Can you revert the control of MediaCodec.stop() before calling MediaCodec.release()? #1497

Closed pineapplevine closed 5 days ago

pineapplevine commented 6 days ago

Hi! In a previous issue, support for retrying initCodec when the codec initialization process failed.


        try {
          initCodec(codecInfo, crypto);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          if (codecInfo == preferredCodecInfo) {
            // If creating the preferred decoder failed then sleep briefly before retrying.
            // Workaround for [internal b/191966399].
            // See also
            Log.w(TAG, "Preferred decoder instantiation failed. Sleeping for 50ms then retrying.");
            Thread.sleep(/* millis= */ 50);
            initCodec(codecInfo, crypto);
          } else {
            throw e;

The above code mean, retries codec initialization after waiting for 50ms if the codec initialization process fails. However, the 50ms wait time may depend on the performance of the device. In other commit, removed the process that called the MediaCodec.stop() before MediaCodec.release(). I think that calling MediaCodec.stop() before MediaCodec.release() will provide sufficient waiting time.


        try {
          if (!skipMediaCodecStopOnRelease) {
        } finally {
icbaker commented 6 days ago

Thanks for raising this, and the suggestion to try re-adding the MediaCodec.stop() call. I've tried this using my repro example for on a OnePlus AC2003 device (and removing the Thread.sleep workaround) and I agree it also resolves the issue (and removing both reintroduces it). I also agree the 50ms delay is arbitrary and unlikely to be correct for all devices (too long for some, too short for others). I will submit a change to remove the 50ms sleep and call MediaCodec.stop() before MediaCodec.release() on the affected Android versions (APIs 30, 31 & 32).