Open billyjoker opened 2 months ago
To clarify, when setting the flags for the MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItem
, the flag is indeed an integer, and by passing 0
, you're explicitly stating that there should be no actions (neither FLAG_PLAYABLE nor FLAG_BROWSABLE):
val headerMediaItem = MediaMetadataCompat.Builder().apply {
putString(MediaMetadataCompat.METADATA_KEY_MEDIA_ID, "HEADER_ID")
putString(MediaMetadataCompat.METADATA_KEY_TITLE, "Header items title")
flag = 0 // no flags, making it non-clickable
falg = 0 has no effect, it is clickable anyway
It seems that migrating to media3 there is an attribute to make it, but migrating now for me it is not a choice
Apologies, my mistake. I'll hand this over to @marcbaechinger, who is an expert in this area.
Hi @marcbaechinger any ideas on this one?
@marcbaechinger any thoughts on this one ?
Hi I finally solved it adding a extra with a flag from MediaConstants
So adding it to a group of elements with a title, it is placed as a header with the proper stylement.
Hi I am facing an issue using
for Android Auto extension apps. I am trying to create a head title before the items, but that title has the click feautre active to browse or play and I do not the way to disable it, so I do not want it as clickable, only just as a headerI guess it must to be a way to create "dumb" items, not playable, not browsable, but I did not figured out.
Thanks in advance