Open DeVictorVH opened 1 year ago
Hi @DeVictorVH,
Currently Exoplayer does not provide an API to generate thumbnails and we don't have a plan to do so in the near future.
We are open to accepting high quality PR's which adds support for fetching thumbnails from a media source type e.g., support for thumbnails in DASH.
I'll leave the issue open and mark it as an enhancement with low priority. Thanks.
hello I have extracted the thumbnail from the MPD manifest but I am unable to show a single tile from the image I am getting bellow information
URL: width: 224 height: 100 horizontal: 3 vertical: 4 row: 0 column: 1
here is my code
` private void extractCurrentFrameThumbnail(ExoPlayer player, Timeline timeline) { DashManifest manifest = (DashManifest) player.getCurrentTimeline().getWindow(0, new Timeline.Window()).manifest; if (manifest == null) { return; }
// Get the current playback position in microseconds
long playbackPositionUs = player.getCurrentPosition() * 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < manifest.getPeriodCount(); i++) {
Period period = manifest.getPeriod(i);
long periodDurationUs = manifest.getPeriodDurationUs(i);
for (int j = 0; j < period.adaptationSets.size(); j++) {
AdaptationSet adaptationSet = period.adaptationSets.get(j);
for (int k = 0; k < adaptationSet.representations.size(); k++) {
Representation representation = adaptationSet.representations.get(k);
String mimeType = representation.format.containerMimeType;
if ("image/jpeg".equals(mimeType)) {
Representation.MultiSegmentRepresentation multiSegmentRepresentation =
(Representation.MultiSegmentRepresentation) representation;
long segmentIndex = multiSegmentRepresentation.getSegmentNum(playbackPositionUs, periodDurationUs);
if (segmentIndex >= 0 && segmentIndex < multiSegmentRepresentation.getSegmentCount(periodDurationUs)) {
String baseUrl = representation.baseUrls.get(0).url;
// Get the segment URL
RangedUri segmentUri = multiSegmentRepresentation.getSegmentUrl(segmentIndex);
if (segmentUri != null) {
String thumbnailUrl = segmentUri.resolveUri(baseUrl).toString();
// Get metadata
Format format = representation.format;
int imageWidth = format.width;
int imageHeight = format.height;
int tileCountHorizontal = format.tileCountHorizontal;
int tileCountVertical = format.tileCountVertical;
// Calculate the width and height of each tile
int tileWidth = imageWidth / tileCountHorizontal;
int tileHeight = imageHeight / tileCountVertical;
// Determine the tile index within the segment
int tileIndex = (int) (segmentIndex % (tileCountHorizontal * tileCountVertical));
int tileRow = tileIndex / tileCountHorizontal;
int tileColumn = tileIndex % tileCountHorizontal;
// Log the tile position and URL
String logMessage = String.format(
"url: %s Image.width: %d Image.height: %d tile.horiz: %d tile.vert: %d tile.row: %d tile.column: %d",
// This would be the log line to use in Android:
// Log.d(TAG, logMessage);
} else {
System.out.println("No segment URL found for the current frame.");
} else {
System.out.println("Current playback position does not match any segment.");
can anyone help me show a single tile from the multiple-tiled image
Exoplayer should allow getting media thumbnails to display in a list of videos like in a recyclerview for example, so you don't have to resort to ThumbnailUtils, MediaMetadataRetriever, etc. because these have limited compatibility.