androidx / media

Jetpack Media3 support libraries for media use cases, including ExoPlayer, an extensible media player for Android
Apache License 2.0
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Video Display Abnormal #382

Open 1eooyang opened 1 year ago

1eooyang commented 1 year ago

Media3 Version

ExoPlayer 2.16.0

Devices that reproduce the issue

OPPO PDYM20 running Android 12

Devices that do not reproduce the issue

No response

Reproducible in the demo app?

Not tested

Reproduction steps

Video link is ,all mentioned link to the video below indicate this link

  1. Use Exoplayer to run the video link;
  2. Use Chrome to run the video link;

Expected result

  1. Using Exoplayer to run this link is normal
  2. Using Chrome to run this link is normal

Actual result

  1. Using Exoplayer, it's stalling a few second at the begining of this video;
  2. Using Chrome, it's playing normal


Bug Report

1eooyang commented 1 year ago

Has anyone dealt with this issue?

microkatz commented 1 year ago

Hi @1eooyang. Thank you for reporting your issue!

Would you please share a bug report so that we can review ExoPlayer logs during your scenario? If you cannot share them publicly then please send them to using a subject in the format "Issue #382". Please also update this issue to indicate you've done this.

1eooyang commented 1 year ago

exolog.txt @microkatz here is the exopalyer logs

microkatz commented 1 year ago

Hi @1eooyang.

Thank you for your patience.

I was able to test and reproduce a delay. However, it appears to be a network issue of retrieving the mp4 file. If I downloaded the video unto the phone then I could not reproduce the delay at all. The difference of your browser vs your phone is perhaps different network capabilities.

1eooyang commented 1 year ago

I use phone and chrome to compare it just to demonstrate the problem. In actual application scenarios, network video is often used, but exoplayer will have problems, the system mediaplayer will not, neither will ijkplayer, and neither will chrome. I want to know why , and how to fix this problem.

Forgive my poor English.

1eooyang commented 1 year ago


1eooyang commented 1 year ago

And only a few special links have problems, most of the links are normal

microkatz commented 1 year ago


If you download the videos of the links that have the problems and put them on the phone. Do you still hit the same delay issue?

1eooyang commented 1 year ago

@microkatz yes , it still have the same delay issue when i play the video i downloaded .