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Cw721 timelock #9

Open mdjakovic0920 opened 3 weeks ago

mdjakovic0920 commented 3 weeks ago

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Summary: With the CW721 Timelock, you can lock an NFT (CW721) with a contract for a certain amount of time (currently between one day & one year). Once the timelock has expired, anyone can call the claim function to send the NFT to the defined recipient. Each locked NFT has a specific lock ID comprising the CW721 contract address concatenated with the token_id.

This is the solution of


Instantiation (What is specified and stored at instantiation)

pub struct InstantiateMsg {
    pub kernel_address: String,
    pub owner: Option<String>,
    pub authorized_token_addresses: Option<Vec<AndrAddr>>,

authorized_token_addresses: An optional vector of addresses that are authorized to interact with the contract. If not specified, any address can interact.

Execute Messages (What are the messages that can be executed)

  1. ReceiveNft: Handles the receipt of an NFT and locks it for a specified duration.

Cw721ReceiveMsg: The message received when an NFT is sent to this contract. This message includes the sender, the token ID, and a message for further handling.

  1. ClaimNft: Allows the recipient to claim the NFT once the lock period has expired.
ClaimNft {
    cw721_contract: AndrAddr,
    token_id: String,

cw721_contract: The address of the CW721 contract. token_id: The ID of the token to be claimed.

Query Messages (What are the messages that can be queried, what does each return)

  1. UnlockTime: Returns the unlock time for a specified NFT.
    UnlockTime {
    cw721_contract: AndrAddr,
    token_id: String,

cw721_contract: The address of the CW721 contract. token_id: The ID of the token.


pub struct UnlockTimeResponse {
    pub unlock_time: u64,

unlock_time: The time at which the NFT can be claimed.

  1. NftDetails: Returns the details of a locked NFT including the unlock time and the recipient address.
    NftDetails {
    cw721_contract: AndrAddr,
    token_id: String,

    cw721_contract: The address of the CW721 contract. token_id: The ID of the token.


pub struct NftDetailsResponse {
    pub unlock_time: u64,
    pub recipient: Addr,

unlock_time: The time at which the NFT can be claimed. recipient: The address of the recipient who can claim the NFT after the unlock time.


The contract maintains the following state:

pub struct TimelockInfo {
    pub unlock_time: MillisecondsExpiration,
    pub recipient: Addr,

pub const TIMELOCKS: Map<&str, TimelockInfo> = Map::new("timelocks");

TimelockInfo: Structure holding the unlock time and the recipient address for each locked NFT. TIMELOCKS: A mapping from token IDs to their respective TimelockInfo.

This state ensures that each NFT has its own lock period and designated recipient.

Summary by CodeRabbit

coderabbitai[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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The updates introduce a CW721 Timelock functionality to lock and claim NFTs within smart contracts. Key modifications include new configuration files for Cargo and CI/CD, added dependencies, message and state logic for NFT timelocks, and extensive test coverage for various scenarios.


Files/Groups Change Summary
.cargo/config Introduced command aliases for build and test operations for convenience.
.circleci/config.yml, .github/workflows Added CircleCI and GitHub Actions configurations for building, testing, and releasing Docker images and WASM artifacts.
.editorconfig, .gitignore, LICENSE, NOTICE Added configuration, ignore rules, and license/notice files for better project management.
Cargo.toml Updated with new dependencies, features, and configurations for the Rust project. Added documentation outlining CW721 Timelock functionality and usage.
examples/ Introduced schema generation for contract messages.
src/, src/, src/, src/ Added core logic for contract instantiation, execution, state management, and message handling.
src/testing Added test cases covering various scenarios such as instantiation, timelocks, claims, and NFT detail queries.

Sequence Diagram(s)

    participant User
    participant Contract
    participant State
    participant CW721Contract

    User->>+Contract: Instantiate contract with authorized addresses
    Contract->>State: Initialize state

    User->>+Contract: Receive NFT and lock it
    Contract->>State: Save timelock details

    User->>+Contract: Claim NFT after lock expires
    Contract->>State: Verify lock expiration
    Contract->>+CW721Contract: Transfer NFT to user
    CW721Contract->>-User: NFT received

    User->>+Contract: Query NFT details
    Contract->>State: Retrieve timelock info
    Contract->>-User: Respond with NFT details and unlock time

In fields of code, we hop with glee, Unraveling secrets, bit by bit, Unlocking NFTs, let time run free, Claim your treasures, if they fit! With tests so robust and CI so neat, Our journey's complete, oh what a feat!

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joemonem commented 1 day ago

Looks good to me, would be nice to have it tried on testnet. With each step documented along its tx.