Open paopao-tang opened 2 years ago
I don't understand Chinese, so I hope Google Translate made a good translation for me. So, stability of AMD gpu mining curvehash depends on core voltage, you need to find stable values. For NVIDIA - don't use any overclocking(OC), it will constantly crash the gpu.
The video memory of the NVIDIA GPU core I used for frequency down running is 0. I tested several mineral pools. After running for more than ten minutes, the core will be restarted
You need to try first stock clocks(for core and memory). And use power limit if needed.
Video memory 0, core 0, adjust power consumption to control? Hive OS I use
Oh, man, this is not a gpu crash. This is too many rejects, because pool uses too low difficulty at start and your ping is too high. Try parameter --max-rejects 32, maybe that will help
About 15 minutes, several machines almost restart at the same time, and the running time of the kernel is the same
大概十几分钟重启一次 正常吗 是内核问题 还是 网络 矿池 等问题??