ands / lightmapper

A C/C++ single-file library for drop-in lightmap baking. Just use your existing OpenGL renderer to bounce light!
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Normal oriented #8

Closed Shell64 closed 6 years ago

Shell64 commented 7 years ago

This is not an issue but a request.

Could you make lightmapping normal oriented? Like, make camera rotation be normal aware, it would reproduce similar results as blender I think:

The way it is atm is bad for smooth shading.

ands commented 7 years ago

Hi Shell64,

rotating the camera according to the interpolated normal of a triangle would result in camera frusta near clip planes intersecting with the geometry much more often, which could cause issues. I'd rather suggest to weight the texels according to the direction of the interpolated surface normal while keeping the camera rotation as it currently is. This would require a small API change, but yes, I can try that (or both solutions or a hybrid) at some point :). But I can't tell you when I'll have enough time for that.


ands commented 6 years ago

Hey Shell64,

not sure if you're still interested, but the normal-oriented lightmapping feature is finally in (see attached commit) :) If you get around to try it out, please let me know how your results with it are!

Kind regards