andstatus / andstatus

Multiple accounts client for multiple Social networks. For Android
Apache License 2.0
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Misskey Support #554

Closed 4ioskd closed 1 year ago

4ioskd commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm Dignified Silence. Misskey Contributor.

Do you have a plan to make andstatus work as a client app for Misskey? Misskey is one of fediverse software which has rich features and a flexible UI.

Misskey Official Website: Misskey API Documentation on its Official Website: Misskey API Documentation in Misskey instance:

yvolk commented 2 years ago

Hello @4ioskd Frankly I don't think that I will have time to add support for any new client API without a very good reason.

This is why my question to You is: does Misskey team has a plan to support client-to-server protocol of ActivityPub? Especially since it Misskey already declares ActivityPub server-to-server support.


4ioskd commented 2 years ago

Hello yvolk. Thank you for your comment.

This is why my question to You is: does Misskey team has a plan to support client-to-server protocol of ActivityPub? Especially since it Misskey already declares ActivityPub server-to-server support.

It seems that current Misskey team doesn't afford to support client-to-server protocol of ActivityPub. However, there is a possibility to support a client-to-server protocol of ActivityPub in the future.

Because... the number of instances and users of Misskey has increased rapidly over the past year and will continue to rise. Currently Misskey has more than 350 instances and 24,000+ users. However, there are only a few Android client apps to Misskey, and despite having Mastodon and Twitter accounts, users are troubled by the lack of multi-account support like andstatus.

As Misskey continues to grow, the number of contributors is increasing now and will continue to increase more. At that time, support for the client-to-server protocol of ActivityPub may become a reality.

See Misskey stats:

yvolk commented 2 years ago

I think we better invest our time in support of open and common protocols than in custom ones used by small groups. And vice versa: Misskey may stay a niche microblogging platform if it doesn't adopt popular client to server API. Simply because of lack of client apps.