andstatus / andstatus

Multiple accounts client for multiple Social networks. For Android
Apache License 2.0
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Repost a message using a different account #590

Open Rhialto opened 2 months ago

Rhialto commented 2 months ago

I use different accounts on different Mastodon services. From time to time I see some post where I think I should repost it to another account, for example because it appears to me that people following my other account might be a better audience for it. Or the people on the same account possibly saw the message already, so reposting it there isn't very useful.

So it would be great if there would be some way to do reposts using a different account.

I noticed that even in a unified time like you can have a specific account active for posting. For a moment I though that that would do what I wanted, but when I tested it, it seemed not.