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Multiple accounts client for multiple Social networks. For Android
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Add basic mobile support for website #592

Closed veyndan closed 2 weeks ago

veyndan commented 2 weeks ago

Here's a before and after on a Pixel 2. Note that with the meta tag, the contents are no longer scaled down, and are kept true to size.

Before After
image image
yvolk commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @veyndan I checked "Before" with my Pixel 8 :-) and it looked far better than on your screenshot. Something changed after I applied your changes, not bad. So I decided to accept your changes, thank you! I hope some day I will take time to understand the differences.

veyndan commented 1 week ago

I used the Firefox dev tools to mimic what the website would look like on mobile, so perhaps the dev tools just exaggerated the zoom effect :shrug: