andweeb / presence.nvim

Discord Rich Presence for Neovim
793 stars 68 forks source link

Unable to enable the status option in discord, thus resulting in presence not being able to display anything. #152

Open thehaquire opened 3 months ago

thehaquire commented 3 months ago


I do not have the option to enable show current activity as status. I will provide an image of the tab where it should be image

Neovim version

NVIM v0.9.5
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.1702233742

OS information


Steps to reproduce

  1. Setup nvim using the default configurations for presence
  2. Run neovim on any file


[presence.nvim] Setting up plugin for linux [presence.nvim] Using user-defined Discord client id [presence.nvim] Duplicate options: g:presence_auto_update and setup option auto_update [presence.nvim] Using runtime path: /run/user/1000 [presence.nvim] Using Discord IPC socket path: /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0 [presence.nvim] Checking Discord IPC socket at /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0... [presence.nvim] Using id cc6cc6ac-cd07-4cb4-b3dd-d7007bc8b845 [presence.nvim] Completed plugin setup [presence.nvim] Getting nvim socket paths... [presence.nvim] Executing command: ss -lx|grep "nvim.*/0" [presence.nvim] Checked Discord IPC socket, looks good! [presence.nvim] Handling BufEnter event... [presence.nvim] Connecting to Discord... [presence.nvim] Connected to Discord [presence.nvim] Authorizing with Discord... [presence.nvim] Wrote message to pipe [presence.nvim] Got nvim socket paths: {} [presence.nvim] No other remote nvim instances [presence.nvim] Got nvim socket paths: {} [presence.nvim] No other remote nvim instances [presence.nvim] Failed to authorize with Discord: Received unexpected nonce - initial-ready (expected nil)

jiriks74 commented 3 months ago

It is the first option in your screenshot you have to enable.

Please try to search for your answer before you create an issue:

This repository seems to be completely dead so I'm trying to fix some things and merge contributions. If you'd like to see a rough plan of what I want to do you can look at my OpenProject instance.

My repository

SirFrey commented 3 months ago

It is the first option in your screenshot you have to enable.

Please try to search for your answer before you create an issue:

This repository seems to be completely dead so I'm trying to fix some things and merge contributions. If you'd like to see a rough plan of what I want to do you can look at my OpenProject instance.

My repository

[presence.nvim] Setting up plugin for linux in WSL ("Ubuntu")
[presence.nvim] Using user-defined Discord client id
[presence.nvim] Duplicate options: `g:presence_auto_update` and setup option `auto_update`
[presence.nvim] Using Discord IPC socket path: /var/run/discord-ipc-0
[presence.nvim] Checking Discord IPC socket at /var/run/discord-ipc-0...
[presence.nvim] Using id eece2d4f-43ad-404c-bc45-35a7da0840c9
[presence.nvim] Completed plugin setup
[presence.nvim] Getting nvim socket paths...
[presence.nvim] Executing command: `sh, -c, for file in /tmp/nvim*; do echo $file/0; done`
[presence.nvim] Checked Discord IPC socket, looks good!
[presence.nvim] Checked Discord IPC socket, looks good!
[presence.nvim] Handling BufEnter event...
[presence.nvim] Connecting to Discord...
[presence.nvim] Connected to Discord
[presence.nvim] Authorizing with Discord...
THIS ------> [presence.nvim] Failed to authorize with Discord: Pipe write error - EPIPE
[presence.nvim] Pipe was closed
[presence.nvim] Got nvim socket paths: { "/tmp/nvim.moises/0" }
[presence.nvim] Registering as a new peer to 1 instance(s)...
[presence.nvim] Connected to remote nvim instance at /tmp/nvim.moises/0
[presence.nvim] Got nvim socket paths: { "/tmp/nvim.moises/0" }
[presence.nvim] Registering as a new peer to 1 instance(s)...
[presence.nvim] Connected to remote nvim instance at /tmp/nvim.moises/0

Do you know what it could be? I would like to debug this more in depth but I don't what could I do (like, to see why exactly I can't write the Pipe, that I guess is what Discord uses to know what the user's doing)

jiriks74 commented 3 months ago

@SirFrey First of all this is not related to this issue, seems like at all. Please make a new issue for new problems that haven't been reported yet (check before creating that it isn't reported already).

Second of all I can't keep track of 2 repositories at once. If you want me to help you with your issue please go to my repository and create an issue there. I'll do my best to help you but keep in mind that I'm a college student doing this in my spare time for no pay at all so my responses probably won't be quick and it may take some time until I'll be able to help you.

SirFrey commented 3 months ago

@jiriks74 My apologies, I haven't used your plugin, let me see if that plugin solve the problem, if isn't, I create an issue with the logs and some other details 😄