andweeb / presence.nvim

Discord Rich Presence for Neovim
818 stars 65 forks source link

Pipe write errror #153

Open t101804 opened 5 months ago

t101804 commented 5 months ago


cant connect to drpc

Neovim version

NVIM v0.9.5
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.1713773202

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/share/nvim"

Run :checkhealth for more info

OS information

Arch using hyprland and warp terminal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Using NvChad { "andweeb/presence.nvim", event = "VeryLazy", lazy = false, config = function() require("presence").setup( { auto_update = true, neovim_image_text = "How do I exit it?", main_image = "file", log_level = "debug", debounce_timeout = 10, enable_line_number = false, buttons = true, show_time = true, -- Rich Presence text options editing_text = "Editing %s", file_explorer_text = "Browsing %s", git_commit_text = "Committing changes", plugin_manager_text = "Managing plugins", reading_text = "Reading %s", workspace_text = "Working on %s", line_number_text = "Line %s out of %s", }) end, },


E325: ATTENTION [presence.nvim] Setting up plugin for linux [presence.nvim] Duplicate options: g:presence_auto_update and setup option auto_update [presence.nvim] Using runtime path: /run/user/1000 [presence.nvim] Using Discord IPC socket path: /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0 [presence.nvim] Checking Discord IPC socket at /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0... [presence.nvim] Using id 116266e2-c696-41eb-8ac5-68946f12e9b4 [presence.nvim] Completed plugin setup [presence.nvim] Getting nvim socket paths... [presence.nvim] Executing command: ss -lx|grep "nvim.*/0" [presence.nvim] Checked Discord IPC socket, looks good! [presence.nvim] Checked Discord IPC socket, looks good! [presence.nvim] Handling BufEnter event... [presence.nvim] Connecting to Discord... [presence.nvim] Connected to Discord [presence.nvim] Authorizing with Discord... [presence.nvim] Wrote message to pipe [presence.nvim] Failed to authorize with Discord: Received unexpected nonce - initial-ready (expected nil) [presence.nvim] Got nvim socket paths: {} [presence.nvim] No other remote nvim instances [presence.nvim] Got nvim socket paths: {} [presence.nvim] No other remote nvim instances [presence.nvim] Handling FocusGained event... [presence.nvim] Authorizing with Discord... [presence.nvim] Wrote message to pipe [presence.nvim] Failed to authorize with Discord: Received unexpected opcode - already handshook (code 1003) [presence.nvim] Pipe was closed [presence.nvim] Handling FocusGained event... [presence.nvim] Authorizing with Discord... [presence.nvim] Failed to authorize with Discord: Pipe write error - EPIPE [presence.nvim] Pipe was closed

bepnos commented 5 months ago

Same error here on Arch using i3 and Xorg , Crashes as soon as I open a file (browsin netrw does seem to work)

[presence.nvim] Handling TextChanged event... [presence.nvim] Currently authorizing with Discord, scheduling callback for later... [presence.nvim] Wrote message to pipe [presence.nvim] Currently authorizing with Discord, scheduling callback for later... [presence.nvim] Failed to authorize with Discord: Received unexpected nonce - 0 (expected nil) [presence.nvim] Parsed filename nil with no extension [presence.nvim] Getting project name for nil... [presence.nvim] Setting activity for unnamed buffer... [presence.nvim] No project detected [presence.nvim] Sync activity to all peers... [presence.nvim] Setting Discord activity... [presence.nvim] Got nvim socket paths: {} [presence.nvim] No other remote nvim instances [presence.nvim] Got nvim socket paths: {} [presence.nvim] No other remote nvim instances [presence.nvim] Activity already set for , skipping... [presence.nvim] Wrote message to pipe [presence.nvim] Set activity in Discord for nil [presence.nvim] Handling BufAdd event... [presence.nvim] Handling BufEnter event... [presence.nvim] Authorizing with Discord... [presence.nvim] Currently authorizing with Discord, scheduling callback for later... [presence.nvim] Wrote message to pipe [presence.nvim] Parsed filename .prettierignore with no extension [presence.nvim] Getting project name for /home/bepnos/Work/Quivr/24urenloop... [presence.nvim] Setting activity for /home/bepnos/Work/Quivr/24urenloop/.prettierignore... [presence.nvim] Repository URL uses short ssh syntax: [presence.nvim] Adding button with repository URL: [presence.nvim] Attaching buttons to activity: { {^@ label = "View Repository",^@ url = "h ttps://"^@ } } [presence.nvim] Detected project: 24urenloop [presence.nvim] Sync activity to all peers... [presence.nvim] Setting Discord activity... [presence.nvim] Wrote message to pipe [presence.nvim] Failed to set activity in Discord: Received unexpected opcode - already handshoo k (code 1003) [presence.nvim] Pipe was closed

xhyrom commented 4 months ago

I have same issue.

zackartz commented 4 months ago

same here

PoolloverNathan commented 4 months ago

Similar issues:

[presence.nvim] Setting up plugin for linux
[presence.nvim] Using runtime path: /run/user/1000
[presence.nvim] Using Discord IPC socket path: /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0
[presence.nvim] Checking Discord IPC socket at /run/user/1000/discord-ipc-0...
[presence.nvim] Using id ddbc2a8c-625a-4a86-bc63-2856a4ab8664
[presence.nvim] Completed plugin setup
[presence.nvim] Getting nvim socket paths...
[presence.nvim] Executing command: `ss -lx|grep "nvim.*/0"`
[presence.nvim] Checked Discord IPC socket, looks good!
[presence.nvim] Handling BufEnter event...
[presence.nvim] Connecting to Discord...
[presence.nvim] Connected to Discord
[presence.nvim] Authorizing with Discord...
[presence.nvim] Wrote message to pipe
[presence.nvim] Got nvim socket paths: {}
[presence.nvim] No other remote nvim instances
[presence.nvim] Failed to authorize with Discord: Received unexpected nonce - initial-ready (expected nil)
[presence.nvim] Failed to set activity in Discord: Received unexpected opcode - already handshook (code 1003)
[presence.nvim] Pipe was closed
Press ENTER or type command to continue
[nathan@nathanlaptopv:~/stuff/rustpilled]$ uname -a
Linux nathanlaptopv 6.6.30 #1-NixOS SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu May  2 14:32:50 UTC 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[nathan@nathanlaptopv:~/stuff/rustpilled]$ vim --version
NVIM v0.9.5
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.1693350652

   system vimrc file: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
  fall-back for $VIM: "

Run :checkhealth for more info

local Plug = vim.fn["plug#"] "plug#begin"
Plug "andweeb/presence.nvim" "plug#end"
require "presence" .setup {
  auto_update = true;
  main_image = "file";
  debounce_timeout = 5;
  enable_line_number = true;
  log_level = "debug";
  blacklist = {};
  show_time = true;
  editing_text = "Editing %s";
  file_explorer_text = "Navigating %s/";
  git_commit_text = "Determining worst possible commit message";
  plugin_manager_text = "Spending more time configuring Neovim than using Neovim";
  reading_text = "Trying to edit %s";
  workspace_text = "Stuck in %s";
  line_number_text = "[%s/%s]";
nezutero commented 3 months ago

same here

wardxela commented 3 months ago

Same issue. Interestingly though it was working correct until I switched to Vesktop (unofficial Discord client). Maybe plugin can't recognize unofficial clients? But VS Code Rich Presence seems to work fine with that. Any ideas?

wardxela commented 3 months ago

Looks like there is a fix for it: See:

For those who wonder, there is a fork of this plugin that seems to work with no headache See:

Still thank you for your work guys, it's really cool!