andweeb / presence.nvim

Discord Rich Presence for Neovim
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Advice on using custom assets. #67

Open dharmx opened 2 years ago

dharmx commented 2 years ago


I don't know if this belongs here.. but, I was just looking for a better way of using custom assets... Currently, I'm using a hugeeeee table with external links to the assets.

--- NOTE: all list of language icons for presence.nvim, the discord-rpc client for neovim.

local function lambda(filename)
  return {
    [filename] = {
      filename:sub(1, 1):upper() .. filename:sub(2),
      "" .. filename .. ".png",

local wrapped = vim.tbl_map(lambda, {

local M = {}
for _, item in ipairs(wrapped) do
  for lang, info in pairs(item) do
    M[lang] = info

M["md"] = { "Markdown", "" }
M[""] = {
M["[packer]"] = {
M["NvimTree_1"] = {
M["Python"] = {
M["py"] = {
M["yuck"] = {
M["zsh"] = {
M["Bash"] = {
M["Fish"] = {
M["sh"] = {

return M

Also, a common option for using the same asset for different filetypes would be nice.

-- Like this kinda? I don't know if it exists already...
local assets = {
  { filetypes = { "sh:Sh", "bash:Bash", "zsh:Zsh", "fish:Fish" }, source = "" },
  { filetypes = "lua:Lua", source = "" },

Neovim version

NVIM v0.8.0-dev+57-gaf82eab94
Build type: RelWithDebInfo
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3

OS information

Linux 5.17.4-arch1-1 x86_64

Steps to reproduce

Not applicable.


Not applicable.

andweeb commented 2 years ago

Hi @pagankeymaster, sorry for the late response!

Unfortunately there isn't an alternative method of setting custom assets, as the table structure is what's used internally (see file_assets.lua) and the feature to support custom assets was simply an extension of it. I personally just use the default assets, so I didn't notice that it could be unwieldy if most if not all assets are to be configured with image URLs. I think these are valid and good suggestions!

I noted some potential opportunities for the plugin in this comment, I'm curious whether what you're looking for is to be able to create custom themes? Or maybe something like a config to set some custom asset repository? Any ideas for an API?