andy-landy / traceback_with_variables

Adds variables to python traceback. Simple, lightweight, controllable. Debug reasons of exceptions by logging or pretty printing colorful variable contexts for each frame in a stacktrace, showing every value. Dump locals environments after errors to console, files, and loggers. Works in Jupyter and IPython. Install with pip or conda.
MIT License
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Add ignore_files and ignore_brief_files Format #30

Open shaoerkuai opened 1 week ago

shaoerkuai commented 1 week ago

Now it supports filter the specific files to be printed, but sometimes I just want to remove unnecessary frames likely from my global catch decorator rather than only shows fixed packages, so I think it's good to filter this..


Traceback with variables (most recent call last):
~~  File "D:\Program Files\Python38\lib\site-packages\", line 69, in wrapper~~
~~  . try:~~
~~  >     return func(*args, **kwargs)~~
~~      args = ('a', 'b', 'c')~~
~~      kwargs = {}~~
~~      e = RuntimeError()~~
~~      catch_traceback = True~~
~~      func = <function test_exception at 0x000001C3944AC430>~~
~~      print_in_env = True~~
~~      print_signature = True~~
~~      re_raise = True~~
  File "D:\xxx\xxx\library\common\", line 18, in test_exception
  . print("the function raises error")
  > raise RuntimeError
      d = 'xxx'
      e = 'xxx'
      f = 'xxx'
andy-landy commented 19 hours ago

Hi, thanks for a use case.

Does brief_files_except='D:\xxx\' do the job? or skip_files_except