andy-man / ps4-wee-tools

PS4 tools for NOR and Syscon manipulations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Why my syscon is not Patchable #7

Closed LordRafa closed 1 year ago

LordRafa commented 1 year ago


I have made a dump of my syscon with the syscon tools but when I try to patch it to revert my ps4 firmware it says that it is not patcheable, any clue why is this happening?

andy-man commented 1 year ago

If tool says "not patchable" it means that your console already downloaded new FW but not installed it yet. In this case you can not revert FW because your CoreOS backup slot was overwritten with FW update. If you want more detailed answer, provide your syscon dump

LordRafa commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply. Now, I am curious because I didn't connect the PS4 to the electricity since I updated to 9.03 from 9.00.

I would be more than glad to provide you with my PS4 Syscon dump if you want to do some research. How can I send it to you?

andy-man commented 1 year ago

Just upload it to cloud and send link here or dm me on twitter

Since v0.8.2 syscon tool can patch any dump except one that have 20-23 structs (which means patch is useless for FW revert)