andy-portmen / country-flags

adds a toolbar button to browser address-bar displaying current physical location of visited website
Mozilla Public License 2.0
133 stars 35 forks source link

show flags for all remote requests, not just origin #3

Open dkg opened 7 years ago

dkg commented 7 years ago

Visiting a web page on a modern browser often means pulling in subresources from a handful (or even dozens) of third-party webservers, not just the origin itself.

It would be nice if country-flags could display the flags of all countries visited for a given page, rather than just the flag of the origin.

In its simplest form, this proposal would just show one flag per country visited based on all resources on the page (while still only providing whois information for the page origin itself). Perhaps the flag for the page origin would always be shown in a special position (e.g. the end of the list).

slightly more complex would be to enable whois lookups per country for each subresource origin. so if there were three servers hosted in US and one hosted in DE, the DE flag would enable a whois lookup against the german IP address, and the US flag would show a dropdown indicating the three remote origins that were identified as US by geoIP, and offer whois lookups against each of them. In this scenario, you'd want to clearly indicate which of these origins is the page origin rather than just a subresource origin.

andy-portmen commented 7 years ago

We can create inspect window such that when a user opens this window, it will log all URLs and resolve country flags, but having this by default is causing performance issue with browser. Note that resolving country flags from IPs is a CPU consuming process and I am very careful to do it as minimum as possible to keep the extension lightweight.

heubergen commented 7 years ago

Sorry but I don't like this idea either. A complexe website connect to over hundreds of different hosts, it not possible to display this amount of flags nor to process this amount of data.

dkg commented 7 years ago

sure, but this is precisely the sort of thing that some people are interested in for this extension -- "to what nations is my traffic flowing when i visit this site?"

If it's hard to display more than the first (for example) 3 flags, perhaps we need an equivalent of "…" to indicate "and more"?

x10GitHub commented 6 years ago

Perhaps it would be a good idea to display the server's nationality too, determined on the basis of the TLD. If the location of server (country) differs from the nationality (TLD), it will also display nationality, possibly a small pop-up message.

paulvi commented 6 years ago

@dkg NoScript can show and block requests to select.

I also dislike the idea, it should be somewhere deeper in developer tools, to list all contacted servers, their IPs, and then optionally country lookup result.

miria77 commented 4 years ago

Exceptional idea. Spoken like a true genius